Masturbation is so clumsy

its a means to an end lol . sometimes the ole horn brain is distracting so gotta get that outta the way then on to productive things :stuck_out_tongue:

this is pseudoscience for sure lol. they always claim its 90 days. and if you dont get the benefits you didnt do it right lol.
that crowd has too much shame surrounding masturbation and porn.
its there own self guilt and shame that makes them feel bad.

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Five second rule!


I agree. Please flag in future so we can deal with it. Easy to claim scientific knowledge on the internet.

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I think I am doing it wrong.

Ha ha ha ha

I can make myself orgasm easily but it is a boring orgasm and the masturbation experience doesn’t really do much for me.

So I don’t masturbate.

I can go without sex and masturbation and live in celibacy.

If I was better at it I would probably do it.:slightly_smiling_face:

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I have a boyfriend but i don’t have sex of any kind since I met a boy in the hospital.

I’m nearing 50 and I’m so happy the last two or so years have been so less horny.

Like I have an interest and for much of my adult life I’d masturbate once a day at least if I wasn’t in a relationship. I think some of us are born pretty horny…

Still. It’s nice having time to think of other things. I reckon I’d be down to twice a month…that is a revelation to me. I have energy to do other things and that isn’t bad…sure it’d be nice having sex but honestly…I don’t really mind it without. Thankyou age.


I’m not in the mood for DIY sex most of the time but force myself to do it daily. I want to keep my sexual function going and end up enjoying it anyway. I think it has an anti-depression role in my life. Pleasure is pleasure after all.

I don’t think I’m clumsy at it, I think I’m pretty darn adept at it. It’s one of the very few things I’m naturally good at.

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It’s the only sex I’ve ever had where I still respect myself in the morning.


@PinCushion A Kenny Rogers reference?

I don’t like sex, orgasms, masturbation.
But sometimes i masturbate just to release the tension. Sometimes I have dry orgasms, and other times normal orgasms.


If you are unable to take care of kids and you know it masturbation may not be a total waste of time or selfish. However please do it in private.

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yeah it sucks i need a girlfriend :slight_smile:

This is so wrong, lol.

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I honestly have never heard of that. It’s like saying “I had a bowl of bad ice cream.”


Haha :@…

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It becomes bad when ppl overdoit or abuse it, it can even become painful like when I was hypersexual because of Abilify. On Abilify I had very fast and frequent ejaculations everyday, sometimes more than 6 a day.

Ok I seems it is not working out for many, so I will make a how to video and post it here :dizzy_face: :crazy_face: :rofl: :joy:

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Ha ha ha ha

Well a boring orgasm to me is short and boring can’t compare to the intense extatic one I can get.

I have never had a intense extacy orgasm through masturbation but only through having a penis inside me but only two men have given me such intense orgasm.

There is bad ice cream that doesn’t give so much satisfaction and one could do without and there is ice cream that is amazing and that makes one amazed that anything can feel/taste so good.:slightly_smiling_face:

I have had sex and been seriously amazed at how great it felt.ha ha ha kind of shocked me.unfortunately the guy was trouble and I was inlove with someone else.

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