Hi, I am trying no fap challenge and I am on day 3 and already feel better. Has anyone not masturbated for a long time has helped with mood or the negative symptoms.
Sorry, but i dont believe any of this cobblers that not having a quick wank is supposed to improve your symptoms. If anything - its gonna give a good dose of endorphins.
Im sure people feel better simply cos they obeying their religious connatations.
Its natural. Frankly i think its a load of bollox.
Why would that help with anything at all?
I agree with @Naarai it’s just some weird idea motivated by extremely conservative religious influences that make you think masturbating is bad.
Masturbating is natural and we’re supposed to do it.
Never made a difference for me.
Yes. I think it clears the mind and builds willpower, and is particulary important for people who spend a lot of time alone because it is a activity that is often done in boredom when no one else is around. It also drains the body for energy and promotes apathy if done exsessively, particulary in men.
Nowadays people have become accustomed to a very laidback lifestyle. Just think about how people lived in the past.
I’m not saying it’s wrong to do it, I’m just saying it is a huge benefit to have it under control with rhyme and reason, and not let it control you.
Dont include me in your wank obsession mate. Your way over thinking it.
I’m just replying to the poster of the thread.
If you disagree that’s fine. People are different.
Nofap community has over 300 000 members. And there are other sites on the same subject as well. I think it’s fair to say that there are a lot of people who have come to the conclusion they have difficulties controlling their urges and that society has become oversexed with abundant impressions of images from the internet that makes it harder to control their sexuality.
Not masturbating provides me with an energy that I loose when masturbating. I’m serious.
I’m not religious.
I understand our bodies all work somewhat different though!
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