I trying to learn from people.
I think the pros is, it makes you less sexually frusterated.(spelling) One of the cons is you can get addicted to it.
Too many schizophrenic males on here are obsessed by their cocks.
You never get woman saying oh God, my Labia are too large or they are hanging down.
Its always males. Going on about the size of it. Part of me thinks they get some perverted pleasure of a reply, talking about their dick.
I don’t know why you’re being so negative Seth. If someone wants to talk about masturbation I think that’s healthy. It doesn’t matter if they’re male or female. If you don’t want to discuss it maybe just don’t comment. I think you’re being quite unkind.
I think you hit the nail on the head their Jake. I think a certain amount of masturbation is fine. But for a lot of people it becomes a replacement for actually having relationships and they become dependent on porn to be sexually stimulated.
I know when I’ve abstained from it, I’m way more “aware” of the opposite sex and sex is on my mind a lot more.
I believe in abstaining until you find a partner…
Porn and masturbating is like being addicted to crack…
Don’t waste yer sex drive
“Masterbating” means that you have become a master at masturbating?
It’s a great passtime and a natural anti-depressant. I use my imagination instead of porn so as to keep the brain and mind aspects of sexual desire alive. It takes more effort but I find it more entertaining after a while.
II got ashamed of masturbating and quit. It changed my life. I was more outgoing after I quit. If you need self pleasure, think of your colon. That is the greatest for loners.
Moderation is key even for masturbation and sexual intercourse.
Sex addiction is no fun, painful balls. I had it on Abilify.
Oh, yes you do. I’ve seen it right here.
I think the meds make us men hypersexual am I right?
I guess a pro could be relaxation and release and muscles not being so tense and maybe easier to go to sleep .
I don’t masturbate or if I do it’s like twice a year.
I can make myself come but it’s a boring orgasm really and I’m maybe not that good at it or I just rather a partner.
It’s strange because I can live asexual without ever thinking of sex and can become very sexual such as last guy I was seeing was best amazing ecstatic sex but as charming as he is that is not the man/person I love most in the world which is my other x who I was not very sexual with but I love him so much I would rather be celibate and have him than have sex without him but I had to leave him because I’m a wanna be animal and environment activist and no one can tell me I can’t be vegan not even my favourite Dar ling.
I think madturbation can probably be destructive.
No, she means women come on here a lot to complain about the size of their labia.
Benefits of masturbating: safe way to release endorphins and oxytocin. If you have a penis, it keeps you from having wet dreams and needing to wash your sheets unexpectedly. It can make you feel less frustrated throughout the day. It can help you get to sleep, and relieve insomnia. Experimenting with yourself on your own makes you more knowledgeable about what you do and do not like, so if you ever decide to have partnered sex, you can communicate your wants more easily.
Cons: It can occasionally become addictive, though when this happens there is usually an underlying reason behind it. If you use video porn, someone might be being exploited in the production of the video. A lot of video stuff can warp your view on women.
Really, as long as you stay away from exploitative stuff (research your companies and only buy from places that treat their employees well; give up on free porn) you aren’t hurting anyone. It is a personal choice for everyone whether or not they masturbate, and the decision has no moral value.
Dude, that was uncalled for. I was talking about women talking about their parts
Pro: pleasure, anti stress.
Cons: time wasted, addiction potential, thinking/watching people as objects for sexual arousal.
I think it is wise to not abuse it.
pro’s stress relief.
con’s its messy
personally i haven’t masturbated for awhile, don’t think i will. i quit and retire my pecker haha.