99% percent of men masturbate. The other 1% are liars.
Not gonna lie. I’m one of those 100%, ie I’m a man.
Your so frickin fun, I spew my coffee and fell of my chair, now i`m doing pirouettes on the floor laughing
Or don’t have enough circulation to make it worthwhile.
Masturbation is healthy, so they say.
I practice it.
It is a very old custom passed down from father to son since times immemorial.
guilty !
Fyi, men can still reach climax without an erection and enjoy stimulation.
Is this why it says brains under your name
@anon4362788 that’s interesting. Tbh I’ve wondered that for a while.
I’m surprised they can, I thought it would require an erection but I wasn’t sure.
You’re crediting me with motivation I don’t have.
Did I mention I have negatives?
In an alternate world Pinocchios nose was below his waist
This also applies to women
Notice that mine doesn’t say “oh law he cummin’!”
'Cuz he ain’t right now.
Then get on that. Someone can HELP.
I mean, I help my person that needs it.
Too busy taking pictures. It’s all good.
yeah this is so good
for those who are alone
and ladies dont want them
this is me from the begining of the year i try to engage and be in relation i cant
ladies want better opportunities
so i find masturabation is really cheap and available and fun
for those miserable ppl like me and many other ppl
I end up watching stupid porn it’s one reason I stopped watching porn. I also feel sorry for the porn stars.
If a guy never masturbated he likely would never have sex. It’s natural, normal, and not worth making a big deal over.