Marijuana Increases vulnerability to psychosis by 159% - New Study

Going from an occasional user of marijuana to a weekly or daily user increases an adolescent’s risk of having recurrent psychotic-like experiences by 159 percent, according to a new Canadian study published today in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. The study also reports effects of marijuana use on cognitive development and shows that the link between marijuana use and psychotic-like experiences is best explained by emerging symptoms of depression.

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Wait! One minute they say cannabis doesn’t even cause schizophrenia and the next minute they say it does.

The internet is full of crap most the time.


What I find more serious is the impairment in cognitive development. A person can recover from psychosis and function, but if you’re stupid, you’re stupid. No one comes back from that and there goes your quality of life. Is a toke really worth it?

And what will the next “NEW STUDY” say ???

The majority point out that heavy weed users are dumb. They’re still trying to decide if weed makes people dumb or it’s just a case of dumb people being attracted to weed.

I still blame Bill and Ben.