Marijuana Use May Raise Risk of Psychosis Relapse

Smoking marijuana may increase the risk of experiencing an episode of psychosis, or a break with reality, in people who have already had such an episode, according to a new study.

In the study, researchers looked at about 200 patients in England who had been diagnosed with psychosis at least two years before the start of the study, and asked them about their marijuana use. The researchers found that those who used marijuana during the two years after they experienced their first episode of psychosis had a 13 percent higher chance of experiencing another episode of psychosis during this time, compared with people who did not smoke marijuana during the first two years after being diagnosed.

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STILL, it helps me and I keep better with it. I’m in the process of getting my state medical card.

It’s amazing to me that every time I try to go back to smoking I have a full on relapse with hallucinations and delusions worse than anything I’ve ever experienced on my own, and just ten years ago I needed it to function daily. What went on in my mind that I cannot still smoke the ganja?

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They prescribe it in my state for people with ptsd. For me it makes me more creative and lowers my anxiety

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