Managing the comorbidity of schizophrenia and ADHD

ADHD meds help negative and cognitive symptoms. I want to try Strattera.

“Conversely, case reports11,12 and systematic review data13 show effective stimulant use without worsening positive symptoms and even improved negative symptoms.”

“At therapeutic stimulant doses, several case reports describe psychosis as an adverse event in children, adults and older adults;9 moreover, older review data demonstrate worsened psychotic symptoms in 40% of people with schizophrenia.10”

Anyone tried Strattera?

I use both APs and stimulants and so far it’s been okay. Also an SNRI.

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Well, ADD medications take me in psychosis. I can’t think of ever trying them again.

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Which one are you taking?

Dexedrine, 20 mg a day

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Afaik only stimulant type add meds can cause psychosis. There are non-stimulant add meds, I am thinking maybe Modafinil or Strattera?

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My last pdoc wanted me to try Modafinil but I refused as I was scared of it making my positive symptoms worse.


Straterra also induced psychosis in me. After that, I gave up on ADD medications.

My cognitive issues are terrible. But, there is currently no potential treatment for them.

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Not exactly a trial or a study.

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This disease sucks, when you improve negative and cognitive symptoms, positive symptoms get worse. When you improve positive symptoms, negative and cognitive symptoms get worse. There is no way out.

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Agreed. You are basically trapped for life with this disease. Cancer usually happens later in life. This brain cancer jolts you earlier in life and destroys the brain gradually and systematically.

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Sometimes I think about it. I was a very normal person, and how this illness affected me-- it was gradual and insidious but it wiped out all my abilities, friendships, etc…I can’t see myself as the same person anymore.

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Same for me, it was gradual too. I read that when its gradual the prognosis is worse for negative and cognitive symptoms.

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Between 2005 and 2010 I was gradually slipping in paranoia deeper and deeper, but all this while I was going to college for bachelor’s and subsequently for Master’s. I had many friends, I used to go clubbing, drinking, partying, and stuff. Somewhere between 2008 and 2010 I realize now is when the cognitive decline began. Then it just kept on getting worse, but once the voices started in 2010, it was a totally different scenario. The brain has been destroyed in the last 12 years. For now I have gotten rid of the positives but I don’t know how long it will last.

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Yes, it is…when it is gradual, the outcomes are worse.

But, if you were able to go to college, the outcomes are better. If it happens later in life, then the outcomes are better.

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that’s a bit scary. I know for me I have had symptoms off and on since 2007. I didn’t have a full psychotic break until 2020. I was able to go to school and stuff but not for something worth while and had always intended to go back. But I don’t see that happening now.

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I was in 1st semester of university 20y.o. when I got diagnosed with psychosis nos, later sz. My grades all went down and I cancelled my next semester out of fear of failing. I also left all my friends and socially isolated. I was mostly staying and sleeping in my room all day. My negative and cognitive symptoms started slowly appearing and getting worse since I was 15y.o.

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