Man been really, really anxious

I ■■■■■■■ hate anxiety. It is one of the suckiest of the symptoms


Here’s a squishy (((hug))) for you mate. It goes nicely with a good cuppa.


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Anxiety for what?

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That’s the thing. Has no content. Just stuck in a phase of hyper vigilance and panic


My anxiety horrible too

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What has helped my anxiety is taking a shower, especially a cold shower.


Totally understand @anon94176359 . I go high anxiety whenever I have to do something new. I tried to power through I cuz it peaks then subsides but sometimes I don’t have the energy for that and then I go to lorenzepam? Sp?

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Im sorry jim. How have you been?

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Hey croc. Been ok thanks. You?

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Im doing ok, îts good to hear from you

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Maybe you could ask for some Clonazepam (3 or 4 pills) every month to get you over the rough few days after your depot?



Tom Stoltman won World’s Strongest Man 2021. He’s the first man from Scotland to ever win WSM.

Tom has been very open about his autism. He’s a good guy. Tom and his brother Luke train in the Highlands.

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Hey @anon16583342 i love the stoltman brothers! Been following them on YouTube for a while.

For such strong guys they are both gentle-men. Yeah an achieving so much alongside autism is inspiring to say the least.

Am so happy there is a fellow stoltman fan here!

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I suffer from anxiety. Once I get wound up, it is hard to come down.

If I can reach one of my brothers on the phone, he’ll listen to the anxiety making story, and then get me to laugh about it.

Sometimes I can change the anxiety by distracting myself. As I heard in AA: Move a muscle, change a thought.

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Mine to @anon94176359. I’m going to try to get my case manager to give me a questionnaire that determines if you qualify for DBT therapy. I’m hoping through it I learn to control my anxiety better.

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