Hey guys - feeling real anxious ☹️

It crept up to me this afternoon and now it is bad. Just think something terrible is going to happen but I have no idea what.

Anyone else get free floating anxiety/apprehension? How do you deal with it?


I felt like that all day today. My choices are ask to go back on Clonazepam, or sweat it out. I’m choosing to sweat it out currently.

If I had any Cloneazapam I would have taken it today though.

You should have some clonaezpam?

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Same boat today, might take a ativan and sleep

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I had a very bad paranoid episode last week, it took two days me to recover, now I am ok …

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No clonazepam. In my case it only works at high dosages and the doctors assume you are abusing it if you ask for such dosages.

Think I will sweat it out too. Have a killer stress headache.

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I’m anxiously awaiting out this storm that is predicted to flood out our house just like in Jan 2006.
It’s pouring rain and the creeks are in the advisory stage with the worst rain still to come.
How about making use of all this worry and keep the creek level below flooding for me?
Think positive thoughts for me my friends.


That is a great idea - will direct my anxious energy to divert the water. Good luck. J


@Rhubot taught me a wonderful trick. Just acknowledge the feeling of dread and terror as just another feeling. Remind yourself that you are not hurt or in danger in any way. Allow yourself to experience the emotion until it’s over, and then freely move on to the next emotion. When you pay too much attention to the panic, you get caught in a negative-feedback-loop. Take deep breaths and do something calming while you wait for the feeling to leave. It always does, eventually.


Must live in the states, they were showing all kinds of flooding in Nevada on the news

Northern California.

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Have you read dune? Sounds a bit like that.

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No, but my brother keeps trying to get me to read it. I’m intimidated by the size of it.

I am having a tough time today too. still wishing I could go out on my own to a nice apartment somewhere. I cannot afford to move out of my mom’s house. I am very sensitive and my mom can’t stand me.


i got a very tense brain just now too, pretty anxious/stressed, i think it is the weather too,

hope things get better for you

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When you’re very sensitive, it can seem that way, but to be fair, I doubt you mom has anything but love for you- it may take more time to realize it.
I have found peace with my mom- but it took over 50 years to learn she does love me, so please give your mom a chance, you sound like a very nice person to me that would be very hard to dislike.

It really works, J - just observe the feeling and how it affects you physically. Like, “my stomach is in knots and this is what it feels like, this is a cold wave going through my body due to adrenaline, i feel very anxious and it’s okay feel that way.” Don’t fight it or try to fix it - just notice it and remind yourself that it’s okay to feel that way.

Since learning to do this, I’ve become convinced that more than half our misery is us struggling against our misery.


Quote of the day right here!

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thanks for the high compliment csummers. you’re a nice person too.

thanks again,


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I had anxiety and panic attacks for years because of real life traumas. Now I get it because of fear something terrible is going to happen. Emotional or physical torment. I try to work through it and let it pass. Sometimes I take extra Risperidone. One time I had to go to the hospital just from severe paranoia. It was awful. That was my last hospitalization. Its been 10 months. I hope I am done for awhile.

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