Man. Totally anxious again. This bloody sucks

Thought I was over this last night but no. Anxiety comes to kick my ass today as well. Well it can just sod off.


Sorry to hear that. When your pharma grade L-theanine arrives try 400mg as a prn.


For sure. Have some amazon bought stuff for now.


I just stopped taking my supplement because it was increasing my anxiety

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Sorry to hear that @shellys12. Is that the one you got from boots?

Yes it is
Fish oil capsules definitely help but I’m going to stick to fish oil and vitamin d3 now

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I applied the techniques of this book and it has worked wonders for my anxiety

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Yeah I take fish oil and d3 too.

I’ve got pms going on too

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That I don’t have.


Maybe you should take some benzos or an AD if your anxiety is that strong. :thinking:

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Am on an AD and pregabalin. I just still get a breakthrough now and then. I agree I think an as required benzo would be useful.

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Yeah. I know what your going through. I woke up today extremely anxious. I took a pill to calm down. It worked. Thank god I have meds. Hope u feel better.

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I think I caught it from you from afar!

First day back at work jitters maybe. You know why.

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Hope you will get help and feel better soon.

Anxiety sucks.

Coping methods written down or /and someone you can talk to …

A bath or something soothing and comforting.

I was feeling wierd yesterday after drinking 4 life’s of cordial.

I was dizzy and was spinning and I did not feel like myself and was worried and my eyes felt wierd etc

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