Magz' keto-thread

I’m currently on day 6 of keto. I had increased anxiety day 1-4, then on day 5 I felt better. Last night I didn’t sleep so well I think, I woke up at night, after doing a bit of research disrupted sleep can be normal while adapting to the diet.

I felt kind of tired today (day 6) because of the less-than-optimal sleep, but after being awake for a while I feel more calm and relaxed than I have in a while.


Good luck. Look forward to see how it goes.


How many grams of carbs are you having daily?

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I stay below 20g net carbs.


I felt nauseous yesterday. I will cut a bit down on the fat until my body is used to it.

Also have a slight headache this morning, it might be that I just need a little bit more salt.

I’m continuing on as I want to see how it feels to be fat adapted.


I definitely notice sometimes that I’m calmer, my mind is not as hyperactive.


Day 8 of keto. I feel pretty normal. I hope that I will have more energy as I get fat adapted. I have to be patient though.


Hope all is going well. Glad to see you’re still sticking with it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah I’m planning to stick with it for months and see how I feel. It feels good being on a diet tbh, it feels like I have control of something in my life.

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I contend that nutrition and exercise are the most important ways to achieve mental health and health in general


I had a bit of anxiety yesterday. Don’t really know why, I’ve had it before as well (even a while before starting keto), but yesterday the anxiety came a bit earlier than it use to. It could have something to do with electrolytes, I don’t know.

I feel fine this morning. Day 9 of keto. I’m a bit paranoid that I’m not in ketosis, but people say I should be if I’m eating below 20g net carbs, so I’m going to assume I’m in ketosis. (most likely I am)


(day 9)

After being awake for a while I think I can say that I have reduced anxiety and a little better mood than usual. I have gotten tired very early the last days (coupled with anxiety in the evening). I’m hoping that this will get better as I continue on. I definitely feel good today. My mind feels quieter than usual.


Day 10 on keto. I feel pretty good, yesterday I didn’t have the anxiety that I’ve had in the evening, I still get tired earlier than usual though but maybe that will change.

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Day 11 of keto. I woke up today and felt that I had a bit more energy than usual, and I feel pretty good. I decided that the amount of vegetables I was eating was a bit low (120g frozen broccoli), so I added 100g spinach to the diet.

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I noticed today that I feel a bit tired. It may be because fat adaption is not a linear process, and it haves it’s ups and downs. It will be interesting to see how I feel in a couple of months when fat adaption hopefully have kicked in fully.

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Day 12 of keto. I feel fine, yesterday I had some insane sweets cravings, but I resisted. I hope the cravings will be less and less as I continue on.

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Day 13 of keto. Feeling pretty good. I will probably stop updating every day unless I feel different.

What I eat typically:

1st meal: 200g cottage cheese, one avocado.
2nd meal: 200g ground beef, 100g frozen broccoli, 100g frozen spinach. Fried in 20g butter.
3d meal: about 150g bacon, 2 eggs, one avocado.


Did you check ketone levels?

No. I’m going to assume I’m in ketosis since I’m eating below 20 g net carbs. Maybe I’ll check them after a while.

day 14 of keto. My mind is more silent that usual, less anxiety, not as hyper active.