Losing it some more

so i lost another 7 pounds bringing me up to a grand total of 42 pounds lost in a year and a half. none of my clothes fit me anymore lol. i had to order some new ones yesterday. only a few as that’s all i could afford but i’ll order some more when i get paid again. 14 pounds left to go to my target weight of 9 stone. slowly but surely is the way to go :slight_smile:


Good for you Jayne - I have been losing some myself - I agree slowly but surely is the way to go!

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Congratulations a lot Jayne. That is very cool news. It must feel great to be able to buy a few new cloths due to loosing the weight.

:thumbsup: :smile:

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It gives such a sense of VICTORY to buy new clothes in a smaller size! Congratulations.

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Your self discipline is admirable …

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I really could do with a few tips Jayne … what’s your secret :smiley:


I agree with Ish… I’ve got 77nick77’s diet copy pasted for some ideas…

@jaynebeal what has been helping you the most?

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Congradulations to you!! What is your secret to success?

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well basically it’s little and often rather than breakfast, lunch and dinner. that’s not to say skip meals but i’ve been cutting out sugar unless it comes from fruit, so lots of fruit, humus and rye crackers, loads of cherry tomatoes and spring onions, a bit of stilton here and there, porridge with sweetner…and the odd biscuit to give me a treat, lots of vegetables and salads with shellfish and jacket spuds with tuna, light mayo and sweet corn, or chicken breast chunks with light mayo and salad. u just have to think b4 u eat. go for the lowest calorie count possible, ie, veg’, salad, jackets, porridge, omlettes…those kinds of things. i also don’t stay on the diet all the time as it get very boring. as long as u don’t go mad u can have a kfc or a pizza once a fortnight. xxx


Sounds like something I could follow too… It doesn’t involve starving yourself to get to your goal Congratulations on your weight loss Jayne. :slight_smile:

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thanx ish xxx 2o characters

good on you.
take care

That’s great! Here I am trying to gain weight, trying to get bigger arms, calf muscles and shoulders.