#asd Went over history with mental health nurse today. Mentioned issue of autistic traits. She said she could certainly get me an assessment but after that ,if diagnosed, there wasn’t much help for adults in the area. Seems to be little point in pressing for an assessment?
I think it would be interesting just to see what the results are
What’s the point of getting a diagnosis? Reassurance? I was told I had Aspergers, that I don’t have it, and that I’m very likely to have it. They said I was too social, yet I have never had a girlfriend, never went on a date, and don’t have friends anymore.
The thing is I’m as certain as can be I’m neurodiverse ,but less certain that I am on the spectrum. Having said that I do score above the threshold on various tests online for asd. I see myself as probably being more nvld(there is an ongoing debate whether that belongs on the spectrum) . My primary problem is socially. I have always struggled with social interaction. I am reckoned to have very poor social skills. I recently found what I’d always thought of as a friend from prep school on twitter. He blocked me. Over 60 years I have had less than a handful of friends.
I also have never worked. As well as the ASD/NVLD there is probable dyspraxia and learning difficulties I am one of those who fits a ‘spiky’ profile with much higher verbal than non verbal ability.
It would be good to get official confirmation that there is a reason why I am as I am, if only to kick years of being accused of being awkward/demanding/troublesome/passive aggressive etc into touch . And yet I am scared that even that won’t happen. I’ll go for an assessment and be told it all relates to my psychiatric diagnosis. I’ve spent so many years with my problems being ignored, because everything has been seem through the filter of a psych diagnosis, that I’m scared any assessment will just end up going down that line, although I’m intelligent enough to know for certain there has always been more going on.
I’d keep trying, in time you might connect with someone who can properly Dx you, but only if you be your own advocate.
It might make you feel better hearing you have it. It made me feel better knowing that was why I always felt different from everyone else, and all the things I did that were actually symptoms. The best thing was finding out that my ‘tantrums’ were actually meltdowns and it totally explained my sensory issues I’ve had all my life.
@valiumprincess I guess I’m scared of what may be an all or nothing throw of the dice. That they decide I’m not ASD(which would be fair enough) but in doing so it shuts down any attempt to find out why and how I’m neurodiverse, and the difficulties I have.
That I’m basically left having shot my bolt with no other bolts to shoot.
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