Just got the assessment report.
The conclusion- I do fit the criteria for Asperger syndrome in terms of the criteria set out in the ICD 10
Just got the assessment report.
The conclusion- I do fit the criteria for Asperger syndrome in terms of the criteria set out in the ICD 10
I am happy you have got a resolution. You feeling ok about this?
So do you get help as a result of this?
I feeling fine about it. It confirms what I’ve always reckoned ie that there’s more going on than just a mental illness.
They’ve offered a one off post diagnostic session .Helpful approaches will be discussed and signposting to supportive services.
That’s great! It sounds like you’ll get the help you need.
Good! I hope you get the right help!
I might visit a specialist in women & autism soon. It seems good to have confirmation, explanations, no?
Cool. Me too. What traits do you have?
My fiancé has aspergers. He was tested and can’t handle social situations very well he is also very particular.
likewise. Does he have any schizoid/schizotypal traits or just aspie?
^ Problems making friends
Difficulty understanding unwritten rules of social situations
Talk across people without thinking
Problems with boundaries
Problems ‘reading between the lines’
Take things very literally
Not good at picking up on other people’s emotions through their facial expressions or body language
Struggle with sarcasm. Take it very literally
No role or pretend play
Preferred to play on my own
Very rigid routine of when I have to do things
Stand too close to people and are not aware of social boundaries
Tend to wear the same type of clothes
Blunt,honest and intensive communication style
Difficulty seeing things from other people’s POV
Eye contact not well modulated
Intense and all consuming interests
Some sensory issues
Finally, some resolution to this.
After years of pdocs and other mh professionals not acknowledging things I’m so grateful to the pdoc who referred me. Also for the support of my stepdaughter with this. I just hope others in a similar situation get answers far quicker than I did.
Good that they are getting their diagnosis right finally… I just started with a new agency and I am getting a lot more intensive help for my undiagnosed Asperger’s. I am pretty sure it is my aspie symptoms that drove most of my breakdowns because of severe feelings of isolation.
I have great difficulty with body language and probably tend to scare people a little with offhand remarks. I do have some specific hobbies and habits too. I attend an Asperger’s support group and it really is a place I have made new friends.
They did say the clinical picture is complicated further by my diagnosis of schizophrenia, anxiety and possible dyspraxia. . That it’s always difficult in such cases to make sense of what may be due to one disorder or another.
Does it lead to better services? I’m curious about the English system. It would be good if it led you to better practical services you could use. I know your on meds but other things.
From what I know the main focus in terms of services for it is aimed at the under 18s . There is little NHS support for adults. I’ll get a 60-90 minute appointment to discuss helpful approaches and signposts to supportive services and that’s the NHS part in things done.
It’s a post code lottery as to what supportive services are available.
Like for many ,the process is more about getting an explanation about why you are as you are than getting actual help from the NHS.
Things may,of course, be different in Australia,Canada,USA etc.
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