Learned to appreciate girls who don't want to have sex with me

HA!!! This is juicy…

Man anything that fights to equalize the dumb inherent difficulties just by demographics of birth should be fought and eroded…

The women I know are all pretty much self-empowered sustaining and generous wonderful people… I love most all of them and they have been really god damned sweet and providing to me… they are better than men… men are evil sadistic fuckwads with nothing to them but muscly arms and a cock that fires too quickly… that and bad dumb character that doesn’t understand what it means to be a creature without an ego…

I see you’re tailing this @Samp

Realistically almost every person on Earth that you are attracted too is not someone you’ll have sex with. In fact for some of us nobody we are attracted too will have sex with us. Welcome to accepting that fact.

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I do think that that holds up but at least you can get on the internet and pull up a google search and find similar images to those folk and stroke your… ego… while fantasizing you are with them.

Only the ttp and daze affair. I haven’t read anything else…Mr Azley

Welp Mr Sampson… you can do as you please :wink:

it is good to see you on here buddy

You too. Congrats on your new job and happiness bro!

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Women are a bigger population in higher education right now

My brother says they’re sick of men’s sh-t

But they still want fairy tale

ahhhhh thanks man

so do young men… only the older folks in my life have given up on that idea… even though they still hold out…

no one likes rejection… lol I just quit putting myself out there… ■■■■ still seems to happen… (I was never very forward anyway)

50 messages
My thread is a hit



It will never beat my old thread. EVA


ah whateva… :slight_smile:

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It must have been when I unmasked Jon

This woman is probably used to jerks coming on to her just for sex. She’ll be relieved at not having one more.

What crimby?

Women do the same thing.

do you guys realize that women have one night stands?

I’ve had a couple.

awhile ago, after a year of nothing.

this ain’t about sex daze… this is about appreciating females for what they are


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