Hi, I’m taking 80mg and its working like a dream!
I’m taking Latuda 60mg will increase it to 80 on friday. Have you noticed increase in appetite or weight gain?
Taking 160 mg. Going to lower it soon with doctor’s guidance.
No side effects at all!
yeah me too, I don’t notice any side effects except some increase in appetite. I find it strange
I really believe that this is a wonder drug comparatively! I’m taking the dose increase slowly but could return to normal at this rate in contrast to how I usually feel…
Right now I am on 40 mg. I’m not vomiting at this dose but my doctor wants to sneak it back up to 60 mg which makes me nervous because she originally tried me on 60 mg and I vomited every. single. day. It was horrid. So we backed it back to 40 and I seem to be doing well. We’ll see what happens when we bump it up.
Its a good medicine in spite of my side effects. Works pretty good on the voices.
I just started taking it, took 20mg for a week and I just started taking 40mg now. I still take 120mg of Geodon a day too. They say it takes 3 to 4 weeks to get the full benefit and I hope it helps with the negatives . I definateky notice it helping with psychotic symptoms already. But man is the copay high on this drug.
40mg and still working my way up. Still have crazy visiuals. I don’t know if it’s supposed to help with those, but we’ll see. Just got a job today after two and a half years and can’t be freaking out and putting on a display!
Yes it’s fantastic for auditory hallucinations! Maybe you could take a supplement for the side effects?
My doctor is getting me off Latuda. She doesn’t think it’s doing much for me in terms of psychosis. I will just be on risperdal as long as my paranoia doesn’t return. If it does, I’ll go back on Latuda. She said I can’t be just on Latuda because it probably doesn’t do enough for paranoia.
I’m on 80 mg… it’s working really well. Latuda turned my life around.
I was on 60 mg… I was doing better… but still had a lot of voices and other hallucinations.
it got bumped to 80 and the voices don’t come out much anymore… it’s odd having a quiet head.
But I did get pretty manic… despite the 50 mg of Seroquel I’m on.
So now I’m also on Depakote to stop the manic swing.
Yep, increased to 60mg today because I still have hallucinations, paranoia and delusions. I believe this is the right thing to do. 40mg was beginning to help. Definitely helped with my depression. I used to have crying spells multiple times a day. Not anymore.
My only issue is it makes me unbelievably drowsy and when I wake up in the morning I can still feel the affect and my balance is way off. Hopefully this will pass as I take it.
Doc says sometimes increasing can make the side affects go away.
Just curious, do you have schizophrenia or schizoaffective?
I have schizoaffective and would surly hate to be manic with an increase, though I’m depressive type.
Hi, I’m sadly paranoid schizophrenic… it’s a real nightmare…
Are you taking Latuda also?
Yes, am on Latuda!
Is it not helping with your paranoia?
Is anyone depressed on Latuda?
My depression is much better, personally.
Love your new profile pic