I’ve been thinking about switching from Clozapine to Latuda and I was wondering if anyone had any experiences with it good or bad?
My experience has been pretty good so far with latuda.
I love my latuda.
I was put on Latuda for a short while, but I wanted off it. I was always mad, but now I realize that was probably because I was coming off Geodon and Seroquel. Anyway, it seems like those two drugs do me all right. I’m about as comfortable as I can be on them. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
My Latuda gave me my life back. My Seroquel was my only AP for a little while, I was numb, and I was in negative symptoms. The latuda feels like it also has some mood stabilizing properties it.
I need a mix of Latuda with my Seroquel. But the two together has really helped me.
Hated it, was hell, garbage. But that is just me. Everyone’s brain is different. Give it a shot but realize that changing meds while stable is always risky. If it doesn’t work and instead gives you side effects, go back to your old meds.
It did not have enough of a tranquilizing effect on me and I saw red and it gave me terrible akathisia (med induced tremors). Geodon isnt too sedating and works well for me, in emergencies I take zyprexa in addition to geodon but sleep way too much and want to eat right after eating dinner.
Everyone has individual differences and it may be your miracle pill. I suggest asking your doc, why not?
Just keep in mind that clozapine is basically the last resort wonder drug that fixes most people up but has a potentially deadly side effect in like 1% of patients, which is why I have never been prescribed clozapine. Zyprexa was designed to be as close to clozapine as possible but it makes people gain weight, sleep too much, get diabetes (im serious) and screws with the satiation mechanism with your brain and stomach. On zyprexa I can eat two plates full of food and want more.
Im actually tapering off zyprexa right now because I desperately needed it for a couple of weeks to contain an episode.
But yeah, my experience was terrible, but that’s just me. Chemically, it should work to some extent but not be as sedating as most other antipsychotics. That’s really all I can recall about it from a book which mentioned it