Lack of Compassion?

When I was a kid I genuinely cared about other people. When I asked “How are you?” I actually meant it and wanted to know. I would be careful to not step on bugs when I was walking, I’d even save them from drowning while in the pool.

Now I just don’t care about anyone. Not even my immediate family. When my mom comes home and tells me she had a rough day, I tell her “I’m sorry you feel that way” but in reality I don’t care. I WANT to care, but I don’t have the ability to. I had two deaths in the family this year, couldn’t give a ■■■■ about either one as horrible as that sounds

Is this part of negative symptoms? I’m already practically disabled, I can’t do anything, can’t eat, can’t shower, can’t shave, have to force myself to brush my teeth, can’t have fun. I feel like I’m losing my humanity :frowning:


@anon55830100, I’m with ya there. I’ve had so many deaths in my immediate family and can’t say I’m truly sad over any of them. I never cry over their loss if that indicates anything. I didn’t cry at my own mother’s deathbed or at her funeral or since, and that occurred two years ago. I never get really happy or angry either. I just feel sort of blah. But that’s way better than sad and suicidal which is how I was for many years.

Sounds like a phase to me. Best thing you can do is be cool and keep living life.

You will care eventually, even just a little bit

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Just don’t get too edgy about it.

I hav lost a lot of my ability to engage with people since I became unwell. I used to hav a decent amount of friends and now I hav none. It sounds like negative symptoms. I wud say u may care about others to some degree but wen u r suffering yourself it’s hard to focus on others

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Hey Drs. Don’t have compassion for us like I think they should

@SkinnyMe Yeah it really sucks I’m sorry you’re going through this too

@unique Definitely, I feel terrible that I didn’t cry for my grandparents’ deaths this year, I hope once this is resolved I can properly grieve for them

@Imaillusion That’s a good point, I guess we get overwhelmed from our suffering. I’m sorry about your struggles with friends, I too have had problem contacting them. My social interaction is pretty much just over the internet nowadays

@anon12381882 I would agree with my past experience with some doctors, they really were a**holes. But the one I have right now really seems to care and is willing to listen to me, I guess it’s all about finding the right one

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