Just realized I have this. I don’t care about anything anymore. I only do things out of the need to function. Now I am not really caring about other peoples feelings.
I have this same problem. Kind of like what we were talking about earlier… it could come from anhedonia though which is a lack of pleaure. Maybe if you felt pleasure you would do more. One thing that may help is thinking about all that other people do for you and trying to repay them. Little things go a long way
Yeah I am a compassionate person so I just fake it when in reality I honestly don’t care. If that makes sense. I have been compassionate for so long it is like it is on auto pilot. I act like I care when I really don’t
Hmm… idk I don’t want to give you bad advice and this definitely sounds bad but maybe you should stop faking and do what you please… but at the same time not hurt anyone… what I’m trying to get at is that maybe if you stopped faking it you’d realize you liked being compassionate more. It is definitely a good trait to be compassionate. Ya know?
Yeah I am going to stop acting like I care because it makes me seem like nothing is wrong
This is one of the negative symptoms …!!!
I have almost all the negative symptoms …!!!
I try to put on an act like that Too! If that’s what your saying… I try to act like everything’s ok when on the inside I’m crying… but I think I’ve done it for so long I really am starting to be ok… maybe fake it til you make it is a real thing? I dunno…
I have problems with love. Like I love my husband, but I don’t feel the love if that makes sense.
Yeah… like I said with my post about if it’s possible to fall in love… I don’t know how you answer that personally. I’ve only been in one relationship since I became psychotic. And i knew from the beginning she wasn’t right for me. It was out of disparity of being accepted by the opposite sex.
But I think love isn’t really a feeling for anyone. I talked to my mom about it and she said most people don’t feel love exactly. But more of an attachment, appreciation, and friendship. I’m sure the list goes on and on but she said the feeling of being in love is just for the beginning of the relationship for most
I have a lack of pleasure as well which means I don’t find happiness in anything I do
Negative symptoms called anhedonia …!!! I have this too …!!
Yeah I had no clue how to spell it. I wish there was something that would help
Negative symptoms cripples our life …!!! I try to volunteer in that case…!!!
It has been really hard on my husband because he says he feels so helpless
How long have u been suffering MOOMOP…???
December of 2015 was when I had my first psychotic break
I had my first psychotic break when i was just 19 now i am 30 years old …!!! Nobody’s helped me actually I confused it with anxiety as a result i have to suffer a huge brain damage …!!!
I am so sorry to hear that!
Moomop u look beautiful…!!!
Thanks @far_cry0!