I ask myself "When have I ever cared about people?"

I don’t think I have ever cared about people.


you care about your parents. You talked about them several times.

Yes, but my parents are both gone.

yea that is sad but you still care about them no?

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Sometimes I’m not over being disappointed that they were not perfect. And sometimes it feels like they let me down by dying. But they couldn’t help that.

yea they can’t help that, i’m sure they still care about you wherever they are now.


I could care less about people but because of my religion, I act like I care. According to my religion, emotion doesn’t matter but behavior matters a lot.


I’m the same way Chordy. I do have empathy for people, especially when unjust events happen. But at the same time I’m highly critical of others and don’t think very highly of humanity, the public, governments, etc.


it is hard to care about people when you don’t feel any love from the world of people.

love yourself that is the best way and then you will eventually be able to spread it to others.

i’ve seen it happen this way to all sorts of people, not only us with sz.


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I get it. Love is a verb not a feeling. That’s kinda what the good book says anyway. I’ve read it from cover to cover.

I have a lot of empathy and I always feel hurt when I see people hurting. But at the same time, I’m highly critical of others, especially when stigma happens.

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stigma etc and all that hurtful stuff on us. makes me very very angry and that is so unhealthy and it is a vicious cycle i can’t totally control. i tell myself sometmes you gotta feel – not act – on anger.

but it is hurtful to be angry so much. faced with so much stigma as i do how can i do otherwise?


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