L-Theanine + Clozaril

Hey guys and girls ,

Do you guys think it’s safe to take L-Theanine along with Clozaril? Every single supplement I asked my pharmacist about taking was always a NO due to Clozaril. I’m pretty fed up and depressed about it to be honest. So I am thinking of just trying this out now. Thoughts?

The only thing I could find was

theanine oral and clozapine oral
theanine oral decreases effects of clozapine oral by Other (see comment). (Theoretical, due to caffeine content) High caffeine doses (400 1000mg/day) may increase levels/toxicity of clozapine. Clozapine clearance may decrease during coadministration of caffeine, and a documented increase in clozapine serum concentrations has occurred in selected patients.

But if you take the L-theanine supplement i linked to , it has no caffeine.

The only L-theanine brand that has any caffeine is the “Now” brand I think. So avoid that.


l-theanine is found in Green/Black(Earl Grey)/White tea, if you have ever had any of those then you’ve had l-theanine.

Instead of taking a supplement (which is a large dose all at once) have a cup of tea and see if you have any kind of negative reaction to it, then have 2 or 3 cups and see how you react. if nothing negative, then proceed to take a supplement and see how you react with that.

Baby steps, that how I awlays start taking supplements because I don’t know how they will react with my meds. Start small and build from there. For the record I am NOT on clozaril.


Thank you I had bookmarked the one you sent me with suntheanine! Many thanks again

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Oh, I have tea sometimes when my anxiety is bad. Have had up to 4 cups or so per day! It does help me calm down temporarily

What kind of tea? Not all tea has l-theanine in it, I think it has to be green/black/white tea. All those teas come from the same plant.

If you have had 4 cups without any problems then you are probably fine taking l-theanine supplement, just start with a small dose like 100ng capsule, or even break open the capsule and take just half.

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I had green tea but I mostly have camomile tea …it helps relax me for short period of time

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I don’t know if chamomile has l-theanine in it but green tea does. So have a few cups of green tea and see if you have any negative effects, if you’re fine then try 1/2 capsule then full capsule of l-theanine. You’ll probably be fine but just start small and build from there.

l-theanine has a half life of about an hour, so after a few hours it is out of your system.

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It doesn’t end…
I pretty much can’t take anything with Clozaril. I think Al I’m left with is CBD oil or Hemp oils

Then I’d stay away green tea, and anything else that has caffeine in it. But you mentioned you had green tea before, and I assume you didn’t have any negative effects from it because you didn’t say anything.

Did you come across anything about clozapine and l-theanine? If you do experiment, start with small amounts.

Edit: Take what you read on the internet with a grain of salt. For example, the following website says there are major interaction between Olanzapine and Lorazepam… However I’ve been mixing them for years and I am fine, just like you seem to be fine after drinking green tea…

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I drink a saucepan full of green tea every day. It helps.


Yes had green tea but a cup or 2. I had lots of chamomile in day though. Will try again small amounts like you said!

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Which AP are you on?

I’m on Geodon and Seroquel.

Oh not "Clozaril’ or Clozapine
It seems like everything could interact. I inquired about omega 3 a few years ago with my pharmacist and she also recommend me not to take it

I find that surprising. What did she say was wrong with it?

Honestly too long ago to remember. She looked unsure about the omega 3

But when I mentioned ginkgo biloba for cognitive function her answer was a big immediate NO!

I took gingo for a short while, and it did seem like it was helping my cognition, but it is so easy to fool yourself about such things. Right now I drink green tea, and that’s about all I do with supplements.

I hope green tea will work without side effects with Clozaril. Will drink couple cups first at a time to see before taking supplements. Gonna probably go get some at the store after work today. Have not been in a rush to try

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