Keep making bets. Think I'm going to hell tomorrow


I keep making bets in my head. Today I made a bet in my head with Jesus that I’d have to spend an eternity in a coffin if my basketball team doesn’t win. I’m pretty sure they are going to lose, so now I believe tomorrow at 7 oclock I will magically appear in a coffin and I’ll never get out. I’m very very upset with myself for making this bet. I hate myself so much for doing this. I really didn’t want to spend an eternity in a coffin, but now it is really going to happen.

Goodbye you guys. I wish I could say, “I’ll see you on the flip side,” but I’m pretty sure I’ll never see anyone again because I’ll be in a coffin starting tomorrow.



You’ll be ok.
I’m sorry that you’re having to worry about this. Why did you make the bet?

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First of all, the devil is a liar and so are all his troops of demons. Secondly as long as you ask for forgiveness God will forgive u. So not worry just ask for forgiveness.

You’re not going in a coffin, i think this is a delusion.

I’m not christian but I don’t think Jesus makes bets.

I’m sure you’ll be fine.

You really have guts … but maybe you’ll not be alone in that coffin. Even a rat or mouse can keep you company.


Thank you for the kind messages! My team won, so I’m really happy! I thought it was over for me! The evil voice in my head was rejoicing and saying “this is the day you go to hell.” But my team won by two points and nothing happened! The good voice in my head said that Jesus wouldn’t put me in a coffin even if I lost, and I hope that is the truth.

Thank you for your messages!


It was all an illusion. Things didn’t go the way you think and you turned out fine!

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