All this time I believed I might go to hell. I don't believe that anymore

I have been fearing hell for a very long time and then it dawned on me that the things I’ve done that I think I could go to hell for were decades ago. Namely the abortion that I had to be part of because the woman didn’t want the baby. Stuff like that. I believe that if you believe in Jesus Christ you will go to Heaven. Plain as that. I don’t usually talk about my faith but this new belief has changed my life drastically. I stopped smoking pot for one thing. Kind of forced to but I welcome the change. Life is really good for me now that I don’t carry that little black cloud whispering " you’re going to hell". I am really happy. just wanted to share.


i still fear going to hell but i hope that i don’t, i want to go to the pearly gates and get front row seats at the top of the world lol, yeah i still fear it

Hmm that’s an interesting concept… Heaven folks get to watch the world. I thought it’d be boring up there.

I’m happy for you, @jukebox! None of us would have hope without the gift of salvation. But all of us can have hope, no matter what… That is a pretty cool realization. :sparkling_heart:

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Thank you @Hedgehog it’s a big burden taken off my shoulders. My faith is restored.

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Christ paid for all sins for all time for the primary purpose of making it possible for us to become perfect after we die so we could spend forever with Him in a perfect environment. One of His goals is for us to be able to not carry these burdens around with us. You are truly free.

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God can forgive any sin and he wants us all in heaven.
I think only unrepentant murders and the like go there.

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