JWs at the door

There’s a joke about Jehovah witnesses here. Like they knocked on a man’s door and asked if they can come in. he was a nice guy so he let them in.
" now what? What do we do now" asked the man
"We have no idea. We’ve never got this close".



@zeno don’t do that… he already said he cant wait to resume his learning… the things quoted are pretty close to the middle finger to every other religion…

I appreciate what you have written as I have also been told the same by an elder quite some times ago.

this is hateful… and doesn’t even get the excuse it was written in heathen times… your standard is obsolete…if fear, shame and childish name calling are how you keep your flock in line… so be it… to judge so harshly someone who turns away from your system…

i will turn away any of your clan that darken my door and that’s still nicer than this standard deserves… but you all are still humans…

@plumber you are smart… the choice to return is yours to make… it would be a more wonderful return if shame fear and puppy puke were not the driving force… I respect your right to your religion… even if this respect is not returned… keep this foul means of discipline up for it reminds me of how not to do things…


Thank you, flameoftherhine. My twenties were belonged to JW, so it will be good to return to where I was.

Your words are appreciated.

i apologize for sounding critical… i do not hold ill will towards any human… i do have issue with the use of fear and shame as punishments… these tactics have no place in love… so i will refuse your clan at the door… no jw will be welcomed inside… until your clan changes its currently acceptable means of disciplining its own people… i wish you peace… and i still love you like i love all humans…

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I knew a guy who answer the door naked when the JW came by.
They never came by his house again.


What I’m about to say has nothing to do with the thread but when I read ‘JW’ I keep saying ‘Justice Warrior’ in my head.

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It is sad that for their doctrines there can’t be coexistence and intimacy with someone outside of their organization.
Jesus ate with sinners and prostitutes and every historical christian denomination continue to preach this message, while JWs shun them because of their nonscientific and fundamentalist exegesis of some verses.


I asked an elder before why should we love just our brothers and sisters, but not everyone. They show the greatest love to men and women.by preaching the kingdom’s good news.

The elders are in quite good understanding of my circumstance given my mental condition. It is up to God after all.

When I was young I would happily invite them in and debate; pointing out scriptures and challenging them until they were anxious to get away from me. I can’t do that anymore (and don’t care to) I’m not as sharp anymore.
Now, if they do come to the door I tell them I’m Catholic and very comfortable with my beliefs, but “God bless and have a great day!” Goodbye! :blush:


Thanks all,
I have just really been struggling with this because I don’t want anyone here. A few days ago, one of my regulars shows up with a woman I have never seen and wants to show me a video on the Memorial of Jesus since it’s coming up. I think I’ve seen this video 3 times, which is fine but I’m just saying. The weather is crazy and she’s standing on my porch trying to get the screen at angle that we can see and I ended up caving and letting the two of them in. They have NOT been in here before and I’ll be honest, the known woman’s mansion of a home doesn’t make me excited to have her in my park model trailer that has a torn up ceiling and no flooring as of yet.
I don’t want to hurt their feelings; I like them but enough is enough. I’ve told them time and again this is not a pace where I am comfortable with them being. My husband said he would talk to them as they are interrupting my school and he doesn’t want them here but he hasn’t done it, yet (and may forget). I thought I heard them yesterday and was trying to put my speech together. I didn’t put up the signs my husband made yet because they seem very aggressive and I’m sure they’d be taken personally. I’m just going to have to face the music and tell them in more concrete terms next time they show up. Unfortunately, my anxiety causes major problems with my cognition and that is easier said than done. Maybe a letter instead…

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Thanks. This may have worked in the past but they’ve got people planted around the community. Rhonda goes, “Oh Robin said she tried to come by on Tuesday but no one was home.” And me, completely inept at the art of lying, just stares at her with big, damp eyes and I can’t even speak. Rhonda knows what’s up and they’ll be back quickly because now, in addition to doing their work, they need to find out why I am avoiding them…

This scenario comes from experience, unfortunately.

That’s the problem! For example I heard that they are not very well seen in Africa because the other churches go there to bring food and help but the JWs believe that for those poor people the good news is more important than the food!

Tell them that you are a die-hard voodoo fan, give them a creepy, sinister smile, and tell them you eat Jehovah’s Witnesses for breakfast and so leave me alone.

Some people don’t put enormous value on food. After all, food will only keep you alive for a little while. Here, salvation will literally keep you alive eternally in the kingdom of heaven. For a lot of churches, food is just a hook for gaining converts. It’s nice that they aren’t going to starve but it sucks that they are being manipulated in order to eat.

Answer the door naked and invite them to come in and join us :stuck_out_tongue:


Right, it would be even better to kill them so that they will reach heaven faster!


They were little old churchgoing ladies when I lived out in Colorado. They would brave extreme conditions like blizzards and walk around my town.
I used to open the door for them and talk a little bit. Then finally I told them that I was of some other bogus religion and they backed off.

I’m not saying I agree with it but at the same time which is the church’s greatest responsibility according to their doctrine? To provide sustenance or to share the word of God? The instruction book says that glorifying God is #1 and tons of Christians take food along when they go abroad or anywhere to share the Gospel. Our Community Church is known all over Europe for the work it has done and food it has provided and the Church is tiny. It just depends on people’s priorities, I guess. But even though lots of people need food and lots of people get it through Christian organizations, I don’t believe that Christians are required (by doctrine) to provide food to others in quantity.