These Vultures showing up at my door

The doorbell rang and these Jehovas Witnesses or some sort of religious cult showed up at my front door asking if I wanted to know God.
They somehow knew of my Moms condition.

I said no thanks and slammed the door.
■■■■■■■ vultures!


I just had some of those people a few days ago. I didn’t answer the door, so they just left a pamphlet. :monkey_face::monkey_face::monkey_face:


Years ago , when I was still living with my parents , they came to our door. I told them we were Communists and they quickly scurried off .


I’m atheist but they take that as open to conversation. So i tell them we are Catholic because my husband is.

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Oh brother. I wouldn’t like that very much either.

When a member of my family was terminally ill, we started getting real estate agents.

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Haha I totally get why that works. I usually get more crap from door knockers and other Christian sects for being Catholic than when I identified as athiest/more agnostic leaning. Before they would try to change my mind, but now they look at me like I’m a lost cause and they leave me alone.

I havent had a door knocker come to my door from the local jehovah’s witness since I told them I returned to the Catholic faith.


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