When you get pissed at someone - with normal moods - because they said something to you that offended you, don’t they always seem to come out on top? Because they don’t have to go through the tortures you have to everyday, they can more arrogantly have a pose that is in itself more arrogant? They don’t admit that their wrong. That they offend. They don’t show enough affection. It’s screwed up.
Basically I’m pissed at my sister for saying some ■■■■ over the phone and then I snapped and hanged the phone.
(She says that nothing will falter when father and mother die if I don’t have it sorted out. But somehow I don’t quite trust her word for it. I might be being awful but I don’t think I will have the support to go through this illness with a sibling by my side. I just know she doesn’t have it in her. Never one friend of hers came to the house and never did we meet or knew of a boyfriend or girlfriend - if she were gay -. She isn’t good with affection.)