My partners little sister and niece are here but they have barely been downstairs. They seem to be avoiding me I think it’s because of my sister in law. She thinks it’s my fault that her daughter and husband had breakdowns. The daughter and husband aren’t related by blood to each other or to me. I think she just wants so.eone to blame for her bad parenting. She told her husband that as soon as her daughter with the DID is 18 she is out of the house
Maybe it’s best that these people avoid you. They sound like such a******* anyways. I would think you are better off.
I’m sorry you’re feeling left out. Family can be cruel sometimes. That’s ■■■■■■ up they’re going to kick her out like that, though.
I don’t know what the solution is, but I’m sorry that these family members seem to have no empathy. Sending you air hugs because I’m not sure if you like hugs.
Say something judgmental to your sister in law…it will put her on defense and point her aggression inward…just saying those kinda women are all the same
Seriously she will kiss your butt to make sure you think she’s great.
Treat others as you would like to be treated
Ok fine I like blunt honesty. Tell her she’s being unkind to you.
“If a hammer is your only tool everything looks like a nail”
No worries it’s an outsider’s opinion. I only associate with people I respect so I don’t have much drama to navigate.
"Those you cannot teach to fly teach to fall faster "
Pride cometh before the fall
Make sure no one sees you fall
I am not a proud man anymore, I have been humbled…
I’m not proud I like to be left alone and not really thought about cause I don’t find the same things important like most people…house,cars,vacations…just stuff. I also don’t care about politics but man people get pissed if someone disagrees with them. I don’t judge other people either as long as they’re not hurting anyone else or cats they’re fine.
Well at least we can agree on what you just said. I feel the same way.
“Give a man a fish and you will feed him for one day. Teach a man to fish and the bast*rd will deplete the ocean in nothing flat.”
77nick77 circa 2019
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