just a sz now. my original diagnosis. I once was interviewed by a lady who later suggested I was sza. when im unmedicated my moods can be a little up and down. but most of that was circumstantial, like not liking the culture I was raised in. im over that now, so I no longer brood about things I can’t change. the diagnosis didn’t seem to stop the hallucinations though, the meds did. anyways that is all…im at peace knowing im a stable sz, most days are pretty good, my mood swings were just immaturity as I look back.
i wonder if thats common…for people to go from SZA to SZ as they age. I feel like having unstable emotions sometimes is just part of being young and sometimes that can be classified as being bipolar if a person is prone to excessive excitation or feeling down. Where that line is drawn, who is to say. And as im getting older im finding my emotions are more stable even though im diagnosed SZA to the point where…i honestly think that i might possibly be SZA (although once i probably once was) but only have SZ
I’m sza. But my doctor thinks I’m bipolar. He said 50% of people with bipolar work/recover. I’m not sure if im in remission but I still can’t work or go to school.
My delusions don’t really bother me. But I get depression, paranoia, and anxiety often. I have cognitive decline. I have zero drive, motivation, and initiation.
I used to be smart but the meds seem to make my head empty. I remember just having ideas come to me. Not anymore.
I feel like sometimes I’m at peace with myself.
When in America my shrink wanted to say I was sz aff because I have major depression as well. I think it’s more common over there if you have a mood component. Over here I’m paranoid sz with serious depression. It makes more sense. I don’t really get manic…I do get low without the meds. I’ve found your diagnosis can change by region for sure but it’s all about treatment anyways and some labels will make more sense for sure!
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