Following on from the sz vs sza thread,

Who has psychosis NOS?

I do.

Due to being on a low dose of medication.

That’s why they won’t dx it as sz.

How about you guys anyone with psychosis NOS?


My first diagnosis was drug-induced psychosis

But when I had a relapse soon after stopping meds, they decided it was Paranoid SZ.

Went untreated for a long time

People tried to get me help, but I refused it until I completely lost my mind

Not saying the same will happen to you, but as long as you stay vigilant - just in case something happens


My diagnosis is early onset psychosis. The psychiatrist said he hasn’t diagnosed me with sz because he doesn’t like doing it because of the stigma.

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I was diagnosed at 30 with SZA.

I was first diagnosed with drug induced psychosis after being on Adderall legally.

When they stopped the med and I still had psychosis 7 months later I got a sz diagnosis.


I’d say I’m on the edge of psychosis and trying not to fall off.
It’s proven difficult to get a diagnosis, but derealisation and depersonalization are featuring heavily at the moment.


I was diagnosed at first with paranoia sz. It took them a while to see what it really was . I’m now sza ocd ptsd

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I was told I had that once but it never stuck and was trumped by sz.

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I hope you get the help you need, soon

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You don’t have a SZ/SZA or psychotic diagnosis @Emo?

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I’m not sure I guess I could have something similar to you since I dont fit in either the sz or bipolar spectrum even though I have symptoms of both at least that’s what I got told lately.

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I can’t tell the diagnosis because it’s a diagnosis that is only given on a couple of countries and i’m not a fan of giving my location here.

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A old group home resident friend had polymorphic psychosis from taking too many drugs and drinking too much but not a full diagnosis of SZ.

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I’ve experienced psychosis in the past, and I am in cluster-A, but my delusions are transient. I think with SZ/SZA/BPA the delusions tend to be more fixed.


My delusions are transient as well.
Psychosis is episodic with bipolar

This is my current diagnosis


I have f29… I think it’s NOS…


What does BPA mean @Emo ?

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That’s ‘Bi-Polar Affective Disorder’, just another name for bipolar.



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