I've regained my physique from before I became ill

When I was 17 I was planning on SEALs and looked a bit more badass than this. Well, I will never be the same on these physical performance inhibiting meds but I am proud to try. I do a lot of running and body weight exercises and also train a little bit in Krav Maga. I have a physician ordered low sodium diet which happens to be healthy. Turns out most bad food has sodium.

I want to share this to show that we can do these sorts of things. I swear by exercise, it makes my life easier which is odd because exercise can be pretty hard.

There was a time when I was reclined to not only having poor health but also to damaging it further. I think people just sort of figured I was gonna die.



Nice work! Next challenge: clean that room :smile_cat:


Look at those biceps. I’m working on making mine like that.

I’d do anything to have a physique like that, except diet and exercise.


Great. I am trying to have six packs :grinning:.

I’m hoping you’re going to tell me that all it took was chips and donuts.


Good job mouse for the effort you put in

Dem gainz tho nice.

You think that is messy…you should see mine D:

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You making me blush, mouse. Good work :blush:

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Can I borrow it for two weeks? I’m going to a pool party and I want to look good.


You look great. You’ve done well keeping yourself in such shape.

Maybe you should take up arm wrestling as a hobby.

Now go out tonight and kick some guys as*, lol. And then charge him $100 an hour for you to help him analyze where he went wrong.


lol thats so damn funny

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Luxurious, wind-blown hair.

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Glistening, luxurious, wind-blown hair, shimmering as if with moonlight.

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congrats man…

Mortimer you mean you couldn’t take care of your healt anymore when you were psychotic? cause its still my case… yeah, weshould do with what we have now, after the illness :confused:

Can’t compete with concrete!