Is this thought disorder?


I often have my thoughts repeat in circles continuously, they are in the form of a conversation. I hear (not out loud - it’s in my mind, not an auditory hallucination) sentences repeating whatever I have just been thinking about as though I am trying to explain it to someone. It’s really annoying and often stops me from sleeping. Sedatives are the only thing that slows it down. I have no control over it.
One sentence will repeat over and over until some new thought comes along and that one will repeat. They are not usually emotional or delusional. They are just whatever is going on - often boring.

My psychiatrist says it’s thought disorder, but I can’t find anywhere a description of this type of thinking. It’s kind of like thought echo, but it’s in my mind, I don’t say it out loud.

Does anybody else get this?


Never had this before, so is there any sort of treatment the psychiatrist is going to put you on to help?

Yeah, I used to get something like this and it’s improved since I upped the aripiprazole to 15mg. My pdoc also said I had mild thought disorder. My mind is clearer on 15mg.

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I had severe thought disorder, all my life, in the form of thought insertion and thought broadcasting. Mostly thought insertion though. It’s been greatly improved on Risperdal Consta, Geodon and Seroquel combination.

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These are not thought disorder. Thought disorder is cognitive

I used to get this quite a lot but now it’s mild
Even mild version it’s annoying isn’t it?
I suppose aps get rid of it.
I’d rather stay on a low dose ap than get rid of this mild thought disorder… Hope it’s not damaging my brain allowing it to stay. If I’m lucky it will still go away

My mind does these other weird things similar to what u mentioned like I have to think things through actively in my mind rather than just giving up on a trail of thought

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It got better when I moved from Solian to Abilify, I used to get it pretty much all the time. But had some relief with the Abilify. Today it’s back. Psychiatrist says it’s a negative symptom maybe from frontal lobe damage from many years of pyschosis. He doesn’t think anything can be done.

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The brain can heal itself, maby its something that will slowly get better with time. Didnt know you can get this sort of thing from psychosis.

Yes, I have exactly the same thing. The conversations will sometimes get stuck in loops and it goes on and on. I know for me it’s harder when I’m manic. I think I attribute it to ocd type symptoms because it’s compulsive. No med I’ve ever tried seems to help though.



Yes I had this. After a few weeks of being on risperidone I remember telling my doctor that it was amazing because my thoughts started moving forward again rather than swirling in circles.


Sounds like it.

My thought disorder is like me accessing thousands or more parallel universes with my mind, similarly to how a quantum computer works, I guess. Like in a past life I remember telling these alien types (looked like holographic pharaohs) that I have ADHD and needed some type of medication like adderall because I can access parallel universes with my mind. I guess you can say I’m an ET contactee, unfortunately, I guess. We are like ants or cattle to them in my opinion. Even when they help us, it’s scary. Not sure they can even cure my schizophrenia if they wanted to.

It’s hard to tell what’s real, what happened, what will happen (future), etc.

Most likely if I had ADHD meds the common opinion is it would make me even crazier…but it could also work and make me smarter and a happier man and it could change me life for the better. It’s worth the risk to me. After all, they gave me all these other stupid meds I didn’t need or didn’t work.

almost my exact words to my pdocs

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my experience is a bit different @unbe. I experience imaginary conversations almost constantly. It’s my own thoughts, not a disembodied voice of another person. I know it’s not real, that no-one else is there. But it’s more compelling than reality due to the intense emotion attached to it. I differ from you in that there is intense, nightmarish emotion attached to it.

The imaginary conversations are based on recent conversations I’ve had, abusive arguments from long ago or a near-future conversation I am dreading (such as a job interview or seeing my GP). The conversations never reach a point of resolution, just keeps going, quite circular & repetitive. I don’t know if it’s a though disorder. ap’s are the only thing that’s helped.


Thanks @Flutterby Often my mental conversations are about conversations I have had or am going to have. Sometimes they are stressful. But often they are about explaining things to my pdoc, it’s like a rehearsal. Often though it’s just a mundane idea that I’m explaining to some random person in a loop. Whatever I’m thinking about at the time. Like a Socratic dialog. When I’m well I don’t think in sentences and they don’t repeat.
It must be horrible for you to have intense bad emotion attached to this. I’m sorry to hear this. For me it’s mainly just annoying, boring and hard to get to sleep.
I’ve found moving to Abilify has helped, but it still creeps in every now and then.
The only thing I’ve found reading about thought disorder is that it’s kind of like thought echo, only it’s going on in my mind. I usually don’t say it aloud.
Thanks, because it’s good to know it’s not only me.


Weird because I had the thing about explaining things to my pdoc. I don’t get it any more on 15mg of aripiprazole.

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@PlateOfBiscuits Changing from Solian to Aripirazole definitely quietened it down for me. Had a few weeks without it. Often it’s explaining my symptoms, kind of thinking about my thinking. But it’s not under control and the same sentence loops until a new one pops in. Sometimes I’m just explaining some basic science or whatever, it’s not always about me. But usually there is somebody that I am explaining things to. It doesn’t reach a conclusion and the person I’m explaining to doesn’t get a word in.
Is your explaining things to your pdoc like this?

@unbe, yeah it is horrible, thanks for your understanding. I appreciate it as I’m suffering a lot at the moment. I’ve got an appointment to review my ap’s next Tues, may go back to Zyprexa to get some relief.

I’m glad Abilify is helpful for you. It is hard to explain symptoms to pdocs. Out of desperation, I drew detailed pictures & my pdoc still didn’t understand. It’s no wonder the frustration of being misunderstood triggered endless imaginary conversations in my head. If your pdoc understood you do you think your mental conversations would stop, or would it just change topic?

Thought disorder is usually schizophrenia, meaning schizophrenia depletes you of logical sentences and replaces it with a jumble of words verbally or thinking to yourself. I have this all the time, it’s annoying. The term i think you are looking for is. Perseveration – Repetition of words and statements; saying the same thing over and over.

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In considering whether an individual has thought disorder, patterns of their speech are closely observed. Although it is normal to exhibit some of the following during times of extreme stress (e.g. a cataclysmic event or the middle of a war) it is the degree, frequency, and the resulting functional impairment that leads to the conclusion that the person being observed has a thought disorder.[7][8]

Alogia (also poverty of speech) – A poverty of speech, either in amount or content; it can occur as a negative symptom of schizophrenia.[1]

Blocking – An abrupt stop in the middle of a train of thought; the individual may or may not be able to continue the idea.[9] This is a type of formal thought disorder that can be seen in schizophrenia.[1]

Circumstantiality (also circumstantial thinking, or circumstantial speech) – An inability to answer a question without giving excessive, unnecessary detail.[9] This differs from tangential thinking, in that the person does eventually return to the original point.

Clanging or Clang association – a severe form of flight of ideas whereby ideas are related only by similar or rhyming sounds rather than actual meaning.[9] This may be heard as excessive rhyming and/or alliteration. e.g. “Many moldy mushrooms merge out of the mildewy mud on Mondays.” “I heard the bell. Well, hell, then I fell.” It is most commonly seen in bipolar affective disorder (manic phase), although it is often observed in patients with primary psychoses, namely schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder.

Derailment (also loose association and knight’s move thinking) – Thought and/or speech move, either spontaneously or in response to an internal stimulus (distinguishing derailment from “distractible speech,” infra), from the topic’s track onto another which is obliquely related or unrelated.[9] e.g. “The next day when I’d be going out you know, I took control, like uh, I put bleach on my hair in California.”

Distractible speech – During mid speech, the subject is changed in response to an external stimulus. e.g. “Then I left San Francisco and moved to… where did you get that tie?”

Echolalia – Echoing of another’s speech[9] that may only be committed once, or may be continuous in repetition. This may involve repeating only the last few words or last word of the examiner’s sentences. This can be a symptom of Tourette’s Syndrome. e.g. “What would you like for dinner?”, “That’s a good question. That’s a good question. That’s a good question. That’s a good question.”

Evasive interaction – Attempts to express ideas and/or feelings about another individual come out as evasive or in a diluted form, e.g.: “I… er ah… you are uh… I think you have… uh-- acceptable erm… uh… hair.”

“Flight of ideas” – a form of formal thought disorder marked by abrupt leaps from one topic to another, albeit with discernable links between successive ideas, perhaps governed by similarities between subjects or, in somewhat higher grades, by rhyming, puns, and word plays (clang associations), or innocuous environmental stimuli – e.g., the sound of birds chirping. It is most characteristic of the manic phase of bipolar illness.

Illogicality – Conclusions are reached that do not follow logically (non-sequiturs or faulty inferences). e.g. “Do you think this will fit in the box?” draws a reply like “Well duh; it’s brown, isn’t it?”

Incoherence (word salad) – Speech that is unintelligible because, though the individual words are real words, the manner in which they are strung together results in incoherent gibberish,[9] e.g. the question “Why do people comb their hair?” elicits a response like “Because it makes a twirl in life, my box is broken help me blue elephant. Isn’t lettuce brave? I like electrons, hello please!”

Loss of goal – Failure to follow a train of thought to a natural conclusion. e.g. “Why does my computer keep crashing?”, “Well, you live in a stucco house, so the pair of scissors needs to be in another drawer.”

Neologisms – New word formations.[9] These may also involve elisions of two words that are similar in meaning or in sound. e.g. “I got so angry I picked up a dish and threw it at the geshinker.”

Perseveration – Persistent repetition of words or ideas even when another person attempts to change the topic.[9] e.g. “It’s great to be here in Nevada, Nevada, Nevada, Nevada, Nevada.” This may also involve repeatedly giving the same answer to different questions. e.g. “Is your name Mary?” “Yes.” “Are you in the hospital?” “Yes.” “Are you a table?” “Yes.” Perseveration can include palilalia and logoclonia, and can be an indication of organic brain disease such as Parkinson’s.

Phonemic paraphasia – Mispronunciation; syllables out of sequence. e.g. “I slipped on the lice and broke my arm.”

Pressure of speech – Unrelenting, rapid speech without pauses.[9] It may be difficult to interrupt the speaker, and the speaker may continue speaking even when a direct question is asked.

Self mentions – Patient repeatedly and inappropriately refers back to self. e.g. “What’s the time?”, “It’s 7 o’clock. That’s my problem.”

Semantic paraphasia – Substitution of inappropriate word. e.g. “I slipped on the coat, on the ice I mean, and broke my book.”

Stilted speech – Speech characterized by the use of words or phrases that are flowery, excessive, and pompous.[9] e.g. “The attorney comported himself indecorously.”

Tangentiality – Wandering from the topic and never returning to it or providing the information requested.[9] e.g. in answer to the question “Where are you from?”, a response “My dog is from England. They have good fish and chips there. Fish breathe through gills.”

Word approximations – Old words used in a new and unconventional way. e.g. “His boss was a seeover.”

From Wikipedia