I am on 74 mg of Latuda and am having trouble functioning. These symptoms all started once I upped my does of Latuda. I can’t be around people for very long nor can I hold a conversation. I get irritated when people speak to me and I want them to go away. I am very resentful of things people have done to me. I have this tightness in my face and I’m hungry all the time. I also get very exhausted at around 3 PM and can’t do any more. My last psychotic break was in 2018 but I have never felt like this before. I also have limited motivation to do anything and am hypersexual, wanting to go in to sex chat all the time even though I feel bad about it. The motivation thing is killing me. It’s like I can’t even do simple tasks. I am also worried about the future, that my luck is running out and I’m getting older and will be impotent and other stuff. Does anyone recognize these possible side effects? I thought Latuda was antidepressant as well and lots of people say it has no side effects but I feel like it’s pretty bad. Not seeing my pdoc until September because of vacation. I felt like I was much more stable on Seroquel but it made me very depressed and tired.
Latuda worked well for me for 18 months, then it slipped and upping the dose just made things worse
I had to switch, but I knew for a fact it was the drug, as after each dose I felt awful until I managed to coach myself to sleep curled in a ball to try and stop shaking
What were your negative side effects, if I may ask?
You said this happened when you upped your dose. Can you lower your dose back to what it was and be fine?
Also how are you on 74mg of latuda, it comes in 20mg increments, 20, 40, 60,etc… There is no such thing as a 74mg pill.
I am on 60mg of latuda and have no side effects.
Latuda is an antipsychotic not an antidepressant.
On 40mg, the only side effects were tremors,weight gain and sexual inhibition which are also common in all other antipsychotics I tried
I think outside USA like Europe they have weird Latuda doses lol I have seen users here on 112mg, 37mg and 74mg.
74 mg is a European dosage. Latuda has antidepressant properties, which is why I wrote “antidepressant as well”. I can’t lower my dose until I see my pdoc in September, which is why I asked if anyone recognized the side effects. Otherwise, very helpful answer.
I did have tightness in the face and irritation at 80mg. Lowered back to 60mg and it went away. Make sure to check your temperature when this is happening as fever can cause muscles to tense in the face and neck and getting a fever from an AP is never a good sign.
I guess they could ask for 112mg and split in two
ok, didn’t know that. I woinder why they make different dosages like that. It means different production lines, different labels, different machines, seems like a lot of extra work and money invested to make a 74mg pill over there and 80mg over here. I’d think it be cheaper just to produce 80mg pills everywhere. And is the efficacy affected by 6mg. Strange
My pharmacy gives me my Latuda in the manufactures bottle. It simply says “Antipsychotic” on it, I didn’t know it had antidepressant properties.
Anyways, if you are having side effects from your new dose maybe going back to your old dose would be better until you can talk to your pdoc. My pdoc gave me leeway to play around with my meds and let him know what works best for me. I’ve standardized on 60mg of latuda and 1mg clonazepam dailly.
My pdoc is convinced I need the 74 mg so if I want to go lower her gives me attitude. I’m going to talk to him about it though. Not sure about the dosage differences between us and eu. It is kind of odd, and difficult for people that travel frequently between the two places like I do.
Well I hope you figure it out. I couldn’t take all 60mg at once, I had side effects, akathisia, fidgety, sweating, agitation,it was awful, but I split the tablet in half and take 30mg with breakfast and 30mg with dinner. My body can easily tolerate the 2 smaller doses without any problems and it still works great for my psychosis.
Maybe try that in the mean time. If you are having side effects with the 74mg. Split the tablet in half, take half with breakfast and half with dinner. You’ll still be getting the full 74mg/day but your body may tolerate it better in smaller doses. That is what worked for me and my pdoc was fine with it.
Thanks, that’s a good idea. The weird thing is that I take the whole tablet at bedtime but don’t get any side effects until about 1 pm. I will try to split it up. Do you notice any fatigue from taking it in the morning?
No, I don’t notice any fatigue. My problem is insomnia, I can’t sleep at all. I am on clonazepam for sleep. But my sleep problems predate Latuda so Latuda has nothing to do with that.
I have zero side effects from Latuda (Other than if I take all 60mg at the same time), but when I split it up 30/30 I am free of any side effects, and it works really well for my psychosis.
These side effects really can happen. But they rarely happen on Latuda because it is one of the softest meds side effect wise. I had the same experience with Risperdone 1996 I reacted totally out of the book and had every side effects there were mentioned in the meds leaflet.
I recently developed Akathisia on Latuda, about 2 months ago.
I now take 75mg of Trazodone and that completely gets rid of the akathisia. 50mg in morning, 25mg in evening.
All this happened to me on latuda. Ruined my life. And upping the dose made it worse. My hearing sensitivity from taking that stuff hasnt gone away either. Still recovering. On resperidone now. 4 mg per day
the unquietness you feel is called akathisia. i lived with it for 17 years. it is highly debilitating. you should talk to your pdoc to reduce the dose promptly speacially because of the extreme intolerance agressivity and sexual over excitment. the cause would be the worsening of the negative symptons and your sexual symptons may be related to the exagerated release of prolactinamine in your system. i recommend you report this to your pdoc as soon as possible. i may be absolutelly wrong. but i sure know how it feels. i switched to invega 8 years ago. much much better. my akathisia became minor. possibly mention trazodone as mentioned above which i do not know
@egofree Check out this study. This is why I told my doc I wanted to use Trazodone for my akathisia.
He said proponolol is one of the first line treatments for it but that is a blood pressure medication and I told him I don’t want to risk problems with my cardiac health.
Trazodone works amazingly well. I have zero akathisia symptoms since staring it.
I took a closer look at trazodone. It is an agonist of some serotonine receptors, antagonist of other serotonine receptors, reuptake inhibitor of serotonine, antagonist of histamine h1 receptor, and antagonist of alpha-cholinergic receptors. Some new APs use this anti-cholinergic ability exactly to decrease negative symptons and i think it is interesting the fact that it is a serotonine agonist in some receptors, that is not very usual, i take escitalopram and it is a serotonine reuptake inhibitor and antagonist of some serotonine receptors but it does not have anti-cholinergic effects and it is not an agonist of serotonine receptors. i think most of its ability to decrease akathisia comes from the whole of course but also to the anti-cholinergic action. This anti-cholinergic action is new. it is the newest thing on decreasing negative symptons. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. It can not be used along with other serotonine reuptake inhibitors so I would have to switch escitalopram to trazodone but I will talk to my pdoc.
I have orthostatic hypotension due to my serotonin reuptake inhibitor which is blood pressure drop when you get up from a chair for example. do you get that? Trazodone has this side effect.
Grapefruit juice due to its action on a liver enzyme this liver enzyme slow working so to say or no work at all makes the metabolization of trazodone slower. Don’t take grapefruit juice.
Thanks again. It is nice to know that you were able to free yourself of akathisia. very good for you. this anti-choligernic mechanism was not know on my days so I had it for a long time. It sucks. I just learned my AP invega does work with alpha cholinergic receptors so i guess that is what ended my akathisisa. I guess it is a similar way they work on alpha-cholinergic receptors. I will research further to learn why anti-cholinergic effects work.
cholinergic receptors are actually called nicotinic-cholinergic receptors. so nicotine is a big agonist of these receptors. that is what makes nicotine so addictive. this is related but i wouldn’t know how to elaborate further.
anyways, thanks a lot. I love learning and knowing medicine found a way to target akathisisa is very nice.