Is it common to get auditory hallucinations of people you think about? Such as the neighbors or family? Maybe friends? Is this common? The voices will sound like the people you live around? I’m just glad I’m on medication because it does lower the voices to almost nothing.
Yeah … to all of your life.
Thank you.
take care
Okay thanks for the reply.
Yes I often hear my parents and sister somewhere in this two story house talking and laughing about me. It’s psychotic, they’re in bed when I hear that ■■■■.
I have heard family and friends… audio glitch…
I live with my mom and sometimes hear her talking to me. Or anyone I think of, can make it seem like they are talking to me. My brain knows their character and voice.
I used to have that. And also dreams about people I knew but not well. Intimate things would happen in the dreams. Anytime I had anything involving people I knew I would feel sort of guilty or dirty. It felt like a violation. I knew it wasn’t me intentionally doing it, but there was this evil feeling about myself like I was invading their privacy. Plus many things that I’d have come to me weren’t things I’d want to be thinking about them.
Add me to the list, as well. Pretty regular until just a few years ago. Now not so often. (No changes in meds, but a massive amount of MBSR and other therapies for the PTSD that jerked my autonomic (fight-or-flight) nervous system around for decades.)
It’s not happening to me now that I’m on medication.
as long as you are doped up and feeling good
.thats all that really matters.
Well there ya go man.
I don’t hear their voices so much, but it’s like thoughts in my head get credited to them. The thoughts aren’t in the same central location where my thoughts are at.
When I get into a good relaxed state I’m less inclined to think about people or to start obsessing of the hallucinations.
Originally though I was hearing their voices and they were loud as hell. Harassing me. Trying to convince me to kill myself. I didn’t know it wasn’t real. That was a ■■■■ show.
I dont hear voices often - but when I do 99 percent of the time they are familiar voices - my father usually
Not with me - my voices are strangers.
Yes loud voices for me before too. And yes saying “kill yourself” with me too. I’m just glad it can be sort of controlled with medication. Sometimes it will sound like strangers yes.
My voices were all loved ones and people i Know
Sadly my voices are friends and family too… it’s usually a nightmare…