Is Schizophrenia Genetic? Yes, But It’s Not That Simple


Good find. A lot of people ask this question. I refer to the statistics in E Fuller Torrey’s book.

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My mother had schizophrenia and also had a fraternal twin brother who did not have schizophrenia. He was probably the opposite of my mother.

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Good one dude!


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The writer takes us on a journey in which he navigates some of the phenomena of the condition be called sz ,but he lets the reader collide with a barrier of bewildering puzzles that contradict the intuitive view and the classical theoretical assumptions of science

As usual,no matter what he says,he does not tell us about a realistic cause that justifies the contradictions

The writer places the reader in a labyrinth from which there is no way out,or in a minefield that counter to intuitive perceptions and traditional theoretical assumptions

Therefore,the reader should get out of it with his personal knowledge culture

Simply,to determine if the sz is genetic or not;
At first, you should study the sz in the person himself independently of the genotypes of all other persons
if you find the ill gene who produced the sz case and its symptoms
Second,you can look to the family,parents,siblings,relatives or twins to find the relationships between the genes

But,if you fail to find the gene of sz,your talking about the genetic relationships between the person with sz and all other persons (family,relatives etc) considering a relationships without subject (without necessary )

The question;
Is schizophrenia genetic?
We insist to say that,you suppose that ,you and all readers know what sz is ,and you consider that an ended issue that do not need to any argument !
And this is not correct from all aspects ,because each reader knows the sz with what agree with his personal culture !

Before you ask your question(is sz genetic),you must answer about the main question ( what is the existential features of the schizophrenia as the person feels,hears,touches ,perceives and coexists with it inside himself all time of wakefulness ?;

Is the Existential Features of sz condition which the person feels inside himself is genetic in nature (self-genetic expressions)OR even a disordered genetic productions outputs ?

It is easy to prove that the whole sz condition is not genetic in root origin (ontologically)and that the mechanism of change and functional disorder at the level of cognitive processes and associated chemical background Does not occur according to the directions issued by a human gene(s) or even the human genome’s family !

NO active role for the human gene (s) in creation the sz condition or its symptoms
The question: Why ?
1- the thing be called hallucination is considering both of the creation cause of the whole condition that you call it schizophrenia ,and the functional cause who producing all types of bad symptoms
This means that,the hallucination is the maker of sz condition and its symptoms,and For many reasons it is impossible to find a casual relationship between what is a genetic and the things be called hallucination

2-the hallucination is not located inside the Neutron !!
3- the hallucination does not exist in a constant form inside any biological organ or brain region !
4-In terms of the general and constant principle,the H is not located at all in the unconscious state,it follows that it does not active or behave functionally from within the unconscious state or within any neutron !
5- The hallucination is located at the end of the receptors,and it has an opposite electric charge to the charges that exist from the terminal ends of the receptors,and this result in a state of attraction between the opposite charges (interference interactions)
6-There is no anything in our biological nature or our physical world similar to the hallucination Except the whole Psychological Self (psychic user)
7-the hallucination begins its functional activity (destructive) on the self-thoughts after realizing its implicit concept in the conscious mind theater,and hence,it does not participate or interfere with the functional path of the brain cells in the production processes of the self-thoughts
-the cognitive cells perform their functions inside the neutron as USUAL

7- the hallucination is acts /behaves in the wakefulness period time (ONLY),and becomes absent existentially during the period of deep sleep / loss of consciousness,and therefore it is not functionally active all time of sleep !

The results;
during the period of sleep,there is no sz or its symptoms and the balance state in its natural level ,and there is no any kind of the change,disorder or symptoms AT all

Do you know the role of genetic functions which make the sz condition,symptoms ,changes or disorders disappear completely while the person in the state of deep sleep ?
it is supposed that,in the case if the sz is genetic,this means that the change,disorder and symptoms must be occur during 24 hours ,and the chemical background in the state of imbalance during the wakefulness time or the deep sleep time !