Genetics of schizophrenia, according to ClinVar

There are at least 600 entries on the ClinVar about which genes are deemed to cause schizophrenia.
Some variants are deletions.

There are, however, some variants considered variants of unknown significance (VUS) meaning that researchers aren’t sure if it actually causes schizophrenia.

But this is what scientists have found so far. If you have one of these mutations, you may be able to conclude that your variant is the cause of your sz.

I’m not a doctor, so if you get your genes scanned go see a geneticist!


I know I have MTHFR mutation. I don’t know about the other ones.

WHY the Researchers do not sure if it actually causes schizophrenia ?
because,no one of them actually know what is schizophrenia -mainly !
Whatever they say about what sz is ,The sz health condition (structure / function) remains NOT the sums of diagnostic symptoms or any types of change,disorder or defect that occurs in the basic nature of the human being

Like you say,sz is a perception of new psychological user (s) in the youth age without corresponding of creation factors !
It is coming from absolute nothingness ,or it is coming by its temper !

Finding a casual relationship between any genetic mutation and a new living health condition of a new psychological user (s) that they are not human, be considered a mission impossible for the geneticists,because the sz is a living entity in nature and is not any type of disease symptoms at all !

The sz health condition is represented in the psychotic factor who is called hallucinations-in the public culture,and the hallucinations as be felt by ALL people with sz is a whole living entity like the human psychological self BUT it is more advanced !

the mechanisms that are responsible to creation the human psychological self in the first decade of life IS NOT the mechanisms that create the new psychological user (S) in the third decade of life ,because it is not a part from the psychological component of the human being ,it is strange and have different cultural background and personal behavior ,it acts and behaves in the human nature as a parasitic psychological user (s) !!

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Yea but we can do nothing to fix genes. I just want a cure for negative symptoms.

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Thank you laetitia.
I am currently doing very well despite being schizophrenic.
However the info you provide is very interesting, and if a cure arrives it would be huge news for many
I wish you all the best.

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We do not need to fixing the defective gene to treatment the genetic disease,because the disease is represent in abnormal chemicals that can be modified to its natural level by medical intervention ,wherever the symptoms of disease disappear completely during the effect of medication,and that does not occur during the medication of sz ,it is remains long-term and can be activated during the hours of wakefulness along the lifetime

In reality,we need a new type of antibodies to be working on an advanced parasite (hallucinations),it is not in the size of bacteria or virus But in the size of the living psychological self of the human being ,we say that despite any treatment targets all diagnostic symptoms (N,P and cognitive) because it is a treatment methods that does not achieve the cure regardless the improvements

What is the basic definition of hereditary disease,and viral disease ,likewise what is the basic definition of schizophrenia ?
What is meant by that,it is to indicate that schizophrenia is a third category that is independent of both of genetic and viral disease conditions,due to the nature of its actual cause,impact mechanisms and impact outcomes on the personal knowledge background !

In the other side,to test your knowledge to prove the credibility in what you know about the nature of sz’s nature ;
Without using the terms like mental illness or genetic disease or describing any diagnostic symptoms
What is the schizophrenia in itself,that explains why individuals with sz feel what they feel AND what they perceive within themselves ?

Remember,most of you talking about the schizophrenia as a group of negative,positive and cognitive symptoms and add/ linking the term like mental illness or genetic disease to what you say ,and this is an eye"s knowledge not a scientific knowledge interesting with the internal logic at all

Remember,the gene is the healthy condition,the disease and the cure !
if there is no cure ,the first gene is just a written speech in the paper !

And also likely pathogenic variant, too. Like if you have the same mutation you will get sz.

Sort of expected since McGill is one of the top research unis.

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If you think that sz is a genetic disease in nature,it must be there is a single gene for the danger genetic disease- not gene salad

In the case,if you insist to believe,belief or think that the whole human being including both of the biological individual and psychological is the final results of the functional activities of 100000 genes in each cell

FOR your knowledge
The health condition be called schizophrenia is represented in the characteristics of things be called hallucination (structure+function),and the hallucinations is a higher creature like human being except that he/she has not biological system (he /she is a psychic self without organic body )
-the hallucination entity has acts /behaves as a male in the female human host and as a female in the male human host
( the man deal with female personalities,and the woman deal with a characteristics of male personalities)

in the ideal condition of sz,there are at least 2 hallucination entities (each one has different personality),while the human being have a single psychic self from the early childhood until the end of lifetime
The hallucination in itself is a kind of psychological life for a whole creature non-human in nature ,it is not a symptom of disease /illness as it said in the media
So,the sz condition can not define in its symptoms outputs( reaction of its impact) ,because it is represented in the thing be called hallucinations as a structure /function -nothing else at all !

TO claim that,the geneticists discover the first gene of childhood sz !
We belief that,the evil creature is not a part from the human genetic material !