I just feel like it is.
Yes, a severe one. Lol
I’m not joking.
Neither do i. It’s a punishment. And i laugh about it
I like to think of it more as a challenge then punishment. I want to be a Survivor, not a victim
I don’t feel challenged, I feel ignorant.
I think we are all shooting in the dark sometimes, that is a big part of the challenge, for me anyway
I laugh bitterly, if I can describe it like that
Some religous people would say we are already in hell in preparation for the Here-after.
There has to be balance. If there was no suffering - you wouldnt appreciate the good times. And if your completly honest - You only truly learn - when you have suffered for it, or you would continue to make the same mistakes.
I guess it’s the people who won’t suffer to learn that are a problem.
Its like Cake is a treat. But if you had “cake” everyday you would not enjoy it as much if you only had it now and again. Am i getting to philsophical? lol.
Ill shut up and go away
Life is a punishment in a way.
It does seem that way alot.
I see life more as a lesson. Some lessons are gifts and some lessons are harsher. You can’t have your cake and eat it.
Most of life is, maybe, but not the part involving chocolate.
It’s like the punisher has to be forgiven.
Only if they have more chocolate. No chocolate, no forgiveness.
Funny you should say that, that is what I’m currently working on in therapy
I personally don’t believe life is a punishment. Sure, some of us have it rough but there are good things in life too. When I was younger and pre sz I enjoyed my life more. Life definitely wasn’t a punishment back then.
Some people wait til death. Others Live til death.