Is the hell?

Is it possible mental illness is punishment in hell? 10 years ago i said i will sell my soul to satan if i could be an actress. Then i got sick and cameras always feel like they are on me? I talk to God now though O.o


It could be hell but would like to know what crime I’ve done I think it more likely that it’s the devil trying to steal us

I do not think that mental illness is a punishment of some kind. Some people just have it and others do not. We just need to learn to live with our sz and more we know about it the better and easier it is and will be for us. I knew since my childhood that in my family there is a gene that may cause this sz because so many relatives of mine were szs. I could not avoid sz, but still I think that it is not a punishment of any kind.

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Strange though the way things can turn out and odd coincidences
I feel like that some team of people up there are having fun and arranging our lives like writing a book. Like we are toys

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@shelly12 Yup. Without a doubt.

@mjseu A new study on genetics prove that different races of people have a different amount of schizophrenia subjects. That being said many are leaning more towards schizophrenia is caused by the environment. Which in turn would make sense we would think it is caused by genes given family behavior is past down through the generations most times.

Without pain there could be no empathy and nothing to learn. lol I dunno.

@mrjeremyfisher Well that much is certain. What can I say? :smiley: