And are emotions really just chemicals in the brain?
Will there be a med that will give me back my emotions? Is it possible or not?
The only emotion I can really feel is physical pain.
as you get older some make it back sadly
Yes, they come back with recovery. I’m living proof. I once felt empty and emotionless. Now I can feel again. Maybe not like I once was, but some. I actually like the level of emotions I have now. I can feel somewhat but don’t get overwhelmed by emotion usually. I feel I am balanced mostly. Have you started that anti-depressant yet or are still waiting to talk to your pdoc?
I have been like that since I was diagnosed 10 years ago. My positive symptoms improved 90% but my emotions never came back.
mood meds arent right then or too high
I don’t take mood meds, I don’t have a mood at all lol I have sz, not sza. I only take an antipsychotic Risperdal 4mg.
I thought I had read you decided to add an antidepressant
My Dr doesn’t want, he said I have negative symptoms and not depression. He said there is no treatment and that I should get used to them. I am mad at him for leaving me alone.
'when did you ask him?
I asked him many times including last apt, he keep saying the same. He also said that if I keep changing meds nothing will work and I will end up with positive symptoms on top of my current symptoms like no emotions, no motivation, etc
Are emotions really just chemicals in the brain?
If I was you this is what I would do: (and I say this because I like you and think you have potential) Make an appointment with another pdoc and explain to them that you lie in bed all day everyday and that everything that comes out of your mouth is negative and that you have an extremely negative self image and that you think about committing suicide sometimes and see if the new pdoc will let you try an antidepressant. It’s beyond unreasonable that your pdoc won’t let you try one. Everybody tries them, not just people with sza. Everyone gets depressed from time to time. A little medicine to get your brain chemistry straightened out shouldn’t be such a big deal to your pdoc. He’s a creep.
I am not depressed, I am just empty and I am not suicidal. I don’t have negative emotions, I just have none, I know its hard to undersand. In fact I think negative symptoms can prevent depression because I don’t have any emotion. My Dr tried a special antidepressant that works different than others by raising Dopamine. He said raising dopamine might help negative symptoms but it just made me worse, angry and aggressive.
He said depression and negative symptoms are two different diseases with different brain mechanisms. You can’t use antidepressants to treat negative symptomes. He said my brain has low dopamine in certain locations and high dopamine in others and that its impossible to make a med fixing these issues.
According to him negative symptoms are due to dopamine imbalance. Depression is due to low serotonin.
They understand so little about the brain and the way SSRI’s work that it’s possible that one could make you feel better if you gave it a chance. You tried wellbutrin right? I was a mess on that stuff, I was angry too, had to stop it really quickly. And I’ve had good luck with some SSRI’s and not so good luck. And as far as not making a med to adjust to the highs and lows of dopamine goes I believe they have some aps that do adjust to it. I think some of the newer ones do.
It’s impossible for your doctor to know whether your not getting out of bed is because of your dopamine being off or your serotonin being off. How can he know that? You strike me as very depressed. Your practically the poster child for depression.
Abilify adjusts it and it improved my negative symptoms but I had addiction and hypersexuality issues from it. I really wish that Vraylar becomes available in Canada, its a partial antagonist (dopamine regulator) like Abilify but without addiction side effects.
I thought about bringing it from the US but that’s illegal.
OMG why didn’t I think of this before. Rexulti!!! Abilify’s cousin. I take it and it’s wonderful. It has the same properties of Abilify without the gambling and sex and it doesn’t give me tardive dyskenesia. I don’t know where I would be without the rexulti, it takes away my suicidal gestures.