I guess there is no med, who can help us regain on positive emotions?

Its one of my issues… I never was completely emotionless, but the most of the time I just have negative emotions. And this is very painful.
But no med, in my try of all kinds of stuff for nine years, didn’t make me gain on positive emotions… How about you? I guess its something to work on our selves, isn’t it?
Maybe for some of you meds caused your positive emotions, but its not working like this for me. Its pointless to just trying meds for decades…

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Try therapy like CBT and DBT. Do they have outpatient therapy where you live?

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Ive tried the dairy hospital, but I prefer my life now. I am very tired of all the hospital cares… Here the care about the mi is poor.
My question was if the meds helped you regain emotions? I just wonder if they are capable of this. For me, they didn’t work quite well, but I know, that if I have less fears, I can get better on the emotions too.

Day treatment is really helping with my symptoms. My depression is down and I talk more and I’m making progress on my recovery. It really works.


You know, two docs said, that I respond only to zyprexa and that there’s no point to switch. Idk why the most of you here believe in a recovery in two months… My doc was saying that sometimes it takes years. It’s serious, people… Plus, I am ill since much time too, since a teenager… Should I be patient now? Maybe there are many outside who doesn’t recover even on meds, no matter that we still need them. The most of the people here maybe are the lucky ones? Cause I am close now to ask if I need my meds… The problem are my fears and my body sensations which I have since two decades. Gosh, I would handle my meds better if I knew that sometimes it really takes years to recover… A sz who gets better in two months? Grhhh… Idk. All my docs say its serious. Plus all the sufferers out there, idk…

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Rexulti for me, I am barely depressed anymore.
However, I just started it and I am not on a high enough dose to take care of my positive symptoms.

I’ve been there, no thanks. It didn’t help me. I was isolated with the weed too. I want to discover the reality off drugs. Never knew what it is. For the others, do you find that my doc was lying saying to me I’ll need years maybe?

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How long have you been sick?

20 years…
And 10 years of them I was just switching aps…

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About the same here.
I’ve been searching for the right cocktail ever since.
I’m getting close but there will always be changes in my brain that require med adjustments.
I don’t think your doctor is wrong just estimating.
Just don’t give up, you will find an answer.

Thank you a lot for the answer nfy, it’s sweet. Do you find strange that the zyprexa didn’t kill my anxiety yet? I don’t have a high on it, no. I am not even numbed by it. Dumbed yes, but not numbed… No “nice” fog or relaxation still on it… I wonder if it still needs time…

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When I was on Zyprexa I felt dumbed down as well.
It was great for sleep, but for me, that was about it.

I honestly don’t know if you should give it more time.
I cheat and take a benzo for anxiety.
I wish I could give you a good answer, but I’m not qualified.

I’m sorry you aren’t getting relief from your symptoms.

Abilify made me even more anxious so the “uplifting” aps doesn’t work well on me either… We still don’t have vrayal or rexulti or latuda here. I am a bit alone with this now, so I count mainly on my efforts. But I get tired to fight while still very, very unhappy… Thanks for the message though. But my mom says that there would be no psy hospitals if meds were helping everybody. This is logic, isn’t it? :smirk:

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I get tired too, but every once in a while you get lucky and find a med that works and everything changes.
I’m blessed that my doctor let’s me take charge and make suggestions for meds based on research.
I think your mom is kinda right.
Even when meds work, sometimes all is not well.
Sometimes we need a vacation as well.

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@Anna1, I am so sorry for you. I wish I knew how to help. Maybe you could get an appointment with an online doctor who could give you a prescription online and they can send it to you? Is that something that you might be up for? I don’t know if this exists in Russia, but I can help you look, if you like. My mom’s really good with this stuff. I know I got angry after your last post. I am sorry. I was just frustrated. I think of you as a friend, Anna, and friends don’t give up on each other, okay? We’ll figure this out, we’ll get you well. I’ll never give up on you, okay? Not ever.


Meds dont give happiness they just make it so you have the potential to feel it. In other words, if your life circumstances are miserable, you can try all the antidepressants you want at whatever dose but you will not be made happy by them. However if you have a happy life with many things to enjoy but find because of your illness you can’t enjoy them, then being on the right meds can give you the ability to do so.

I was pretty much in a constant state of depression ranging from unhappy with life to in severe pain before I got my mood stabilized. I was unable to enjoy my life even though it was technically perfect outwardly. Now I can enjoy it and I’m grateful for that.

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Ill write to you in some minutes circle. I can do at least this.
See ya


Marijuana helps me

It might help you, but it doesn’t help most people with schizophrenia, it makes it worse. Facts. @Annie2012


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