Is it possible thc sensitivity caused by sz

this is in a recovery context but its hard to make it sound so as i dont use it.
i thought about how back when i smoked weed there would be people who say they cant get high unless they used big amounts like needing 3.5 grams just to feel it. meanwhile id be in outer space from a few hit. i wonder if i had a thc sensitivity because i never built tolerance and for like a year leading up to psychosis i would just use a pinch every hour, and all that time id never really stopped feeling the effects.

so basically i wonder if a sensitivity to thc played a part in my sz onset as its possible my brain already had some sensitivities before it became full blown


Ive read studies that you should not smoke weed, until your at least 25 - cos it royally arses up the development of the brain before then. I believe that if your doing weed at a young age - you simply don’t have the skills to deal with the affects - and that’s a pre cursor to mental illness.


Check out this thread


yea i was smoking weed when i was 14 and havent used it in almost 10 years since sz

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Yeah its one of those drugs that will relieve your symptoms in the short term - but frankly it will cancel out any Anti psychotics you have taken.

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I was the same. One hit off a spliff would make me toe up

My brother and his friends would smoke a whole cannon and be feeling nice

One hit git me way too high

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