Mental strain: Marijuana may be behind 30 PERCENT of schizophrenia cases in young men, major NIH-funded study suggests


I would not be shocked by this- or maybe it brings out latent schizophrenia. I have two friends who were fine and then descended into schizophrenia symptoms once they got addicted to weed. I also consistently go into psychosis if I smoke, and have stopped because of that. I wonder if anyone here who has Sz/SA finds weed helpful?

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That article lost credibility fast with the words “cannabis addiction”.

I’m a regular cannabis user and also a super functional person with schizophrenia.

It helps me tremendously.


People definitely get addicted though- not physically/chemically but psychologically. It probably depends on the person but I have definitely met people dependent on weed to the point they sacrifice things for it/orient their life around it like any other dependency on substance.

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You’re not a young man though. The study only talks about young men.

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I know a lot of people and have never heard of someone prostituting themselves for weed.

Or pawning their mother’s TV for weed.

It’s less fun to quit,

But it’s not like drugs.

I think the paranoid types of schizophrenics are due to weed, not sure.


weed is poison to one’s mind, totally fools game