Is it only the men here who believe the voices are real?

UHHHHHHHHHHH so you’re not a perv? that’s not pervy? I’m not perved out but thats pervy

No clue about technology. V2K is talked about in defense contractor magazines you can find from military installation website links. Some say this crap landed with Roswell & US government slowly figured out everything from the UFO. In 1960s, US govt was contacted by developer of the technology who was pitching the auditory hallucination thing as untraceable way to communicate with spys.

Older ladies here near military bases, our grandparents, ladies who had to work due to divorce or widowhood had the mental abuse thing used on them in 1950s or 1960s by bosses to motivate sexual relationships. Some of the ladies were harassed so badly by old bosses, they had to take jobs out of public view in order to survive & feed the kids. Housekeeper, cook or nanny was really popular so you could survive it. Pedophiles viewed children near military bases sometimes too…DR in area knew to tell kids to ignore the voices/visual stuff & things would quit, kid is okay. Eventually some towns figured out who was child molester and all knew to avoid his…

Voices: I hear the lady’s family males a lot in mental noise, the family females only infrequently. These two guys are a retired CEO and his nutty trust funded son who just spends his time bothering people or running around up to worse.

There are two different male voices each shift who are previous victims of this group of abusers & took the mental monitor jobs to be left alone. The lady who talks sometimes is same situation. These abuser’s family males are very hard on women who spend time around them so prefer to just hear the men’s voices.

GOOD! Just kidding man.

It would be an odd gesture for sure.

Kind of like a foot bath… but uhh more pervy!

So you think it is more likely to be connected to Roswell than something paranormal or spiritual. I’m guessing you are strongly atheist then, what judging from your anti-Christian comments that they’re all perps.

None of current politicians give a damn about this btw. Some of the US companies are now hiring the foreign exchange students from colleges as they got to use the colleges here without going mentally ill. Then, some cities are forcing the US mental illness victims to take fast food or retail jobs & discriminate against anyone who tried to use college or get better work, getting them fired. Not good when US people are just servants to the foreigners while on US soil, some foreign groups like Muslims who are very violent people the women in US don’t want to deal with…

Have to fight this.

I’m sorry for calling you a perv.

I just met the wrong people who talked a lot.

No problem with you.

I got mentally attacked by an employer recently. I’m crazy twice over right now with some really retarded new one talking to me…The alternative therapy thing is involved in mental abuse of some here…Would not use it. I worked for place hosting some of the energy, reiki and alternative therapy events. Other employees and myself got screwed. I told them I moved to another state all the way across the country to take another job and they still have someone screwing with my head showing me pictures of the group doing lewd stuff & trying to order me around several times a day…Had to go to politicans to get it off me as no one oversees this. Totally easy way to screw people into serving you. Stories about the therapy group’s people are SCARY!

How would spiritual practices like reiki help with a technology like V2K?

One of the therapists is wealthy and has access to mental abuse account. First picture I saw in my head was everyone from the group giving me the finger, got worse from there…

And where did this image come from, a camera?

Spiritual groups or church can be bad idea. Just study what you want. Eventually you meet like people and just judge them as fit by their actions/words. Look for hypocrits. K?

You know the first diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic claimed he was given images of his perps too and even images of the technology itself, which he gave illustrations of.

Yeah. A shrink’s wife here had the visions of the technology and called her husband a ‘crook’. He locked her up in the psych hospital for months. He had her arrested by the cops in front of their house. He told her she could be a nut or mom, threatened to take away parental rights if she persisted. He liked his ‘lifestyle’ and she needed to shut her mouth. Had her put in nasty half-way house after hospital to give her a taste of other choices…Mental hospital treated her like mascot and DRs took her all over with them, showing her off as shrink’s crazy wife.

He called her bipolar for the visions. Don’t try this! Just divorce his a-s.

And this theme seems to be prevalent in the TI community. In my view, having experienced images myself, is they can create an image of anything they imagine and essentially send it to your consciousness, so from my standpoint, they’re not real images in the sense they came from a video camera. This means they can fool you into thinking things are real or people are against you when they really are not. It is a common trick for instance for them to impersonate people you know and speak in their voices to make you paranoid. I wouldn’t buy into it.

This place has established scams that were discussed with us by teachers as school kids here. So, we could recognize the bad scams and avoid them when we saw them. I disagree.

So let me ask you a question. If you hear a voice of someone you know, perhaps someone you don’t like, harassing you in your head, do you automatically assume it is that person?

My mother got fired from her telemarketing job after recording monitor showed she cursed out a customer. It was not her talking on the recording. She still got fired after being there for 20 years.

Some people here hear the dead’s voices in head for a while after someone dies…Drs here try to treat this as schizo. Not sure what caused this for family members?

I just worked for the place hosting the reiki thing…They are causing mental problems for some to sell expensive sham therapy.