The idea of another person sitting on the other side of the screen hearing sh1t shouting in their heads 24/7 FOR THE PAST 14 YEARS scares me… makes me feel like I shouldn’t even be here… MY SPEECH is madness based (schizo product) but I don’t live in the same torment I see coming from other schizophrenics on youtube… this stuff is real, but to me, it feels like everyone commenting on the forums is a normal person just spending time…
ouch, 14 years from now… I honestly hope I won’t be hearing voices, man, if these voices stay, would rather ask God in person for serious cash to live in exile somewhere else…
14 years… ayayayayayayayaaa… don’t get me wrong, I believe I’ll get rid of these voices before the year ends, but still, sciences begs different and says I have to live with it forever… ayayayayayaya, 14 f0cking years… wtfff… Man, @Sirboring how you survive this sh1t?
I am just glad I only hear one voice and he is really super nice.
I don’t hear voice. I mishear things sometimes though, which can be embarrassing and is a reason why I don’t go outside much. but no voices.
if you’re hearing voices though, that that must really suck.
I think that’s what people call a positive symptom.
@moomop Man, I use to live hearing voices 24/7 and most of the time, they’d be standing on my balcony while shouting stuff at me… would walk around hearing every single neighbour in my head… and to make it worse, lived with the belief my best friend was some spiritual guru who knew about the schizo from a spiritual perspective… loved that guy, but was always paranoid like sh1t of him… now, it’s gone, but I still hear my f0cked up voice and unspecified blurrish voices saying a word or two from time to time - but not like before… but still, there’s a possibility it won’t completely leave and that is scary - coz most guys hear can verify that claim - it won’t leave!!! why oh why oh why… even chemotherapy is better than this sh1t, coz it leaves after a while
I gotta brace myself… I need a exit strategy that doesn’t involve chilling in a room all day or tolerating voices and paranoia while out with friends. Man, think am just gonna take a spiritual route if 2018 starts with me still hearing voices. Gonna find one of those vatican pastors who aren’t just their to talk about words and how you can force them to stick to ur mentality
A dear friend of mine once told me, ‘‘I always talk about myself, quit it’’… literally 100% accurate, and the sad part, it’s not even by choice, it’s like my madness draws me to it
and worst part… I find almost all their conversations borring or foreign to me in a ‘‘not me’’ context
@moomop think you’re right about that prefering mentally ill people to normal lol… just weird when in a conversation with normal pplz
@David for me I just get so irritated by their questions. They always ask what do your voices tell you? Um personal stuff that I don’t want to share with you unless you can relate to me.
with me, most of my friends don’t even know I have schizophrenia - never tell them… but I always find it hard to remain serious while listening to them talk lol - if in a room, am the guy with the wierd expression on his face while looking at the guy talking to me.
I have problems being flat with no experssion on my face. So it looks like I am zoned out.
At first, when I thought the voices were all in my head, I was the guy always lecturing them about stuff mostly from my voices while they sat quietly next to me, and they always listened and considered me a smart guy… but then I started thinking it was voices from people, and suddenly every conversation became about my life
i just recently started hearing my voice. I have a strange bond with him.
Yea, ever seen Mr.bean talking to his teddy bear? year, I consider MR.Bean a schizophrenic, and his voices are the Teddy bear. Please don’t embrace a Mr.Bean lifestyle… @moomop do me a favor, ask that voice to give you the powerball numbers for tomorrows lottery - ofc post it here just so we can make sure that voice is not just a Mr. Teddy
Sorry for saying that, but please forget about that voice or it’ll stick… I had that problem earlier this year where I would hear some old woman’s voice that was distinct and clear - would talk to me, but I never spoke back, after a while it just disappeared. But still, ask for the lottery numbers - as a last request… also post it here, I’ll play them for you if you don’t like gambling
AND IT WAS wierd, coz I never use to hear womens voices in my head… was always male voices
But I stopped hearing both - from a clear perspective… right now I just heard a blurrish dull voice say ‘too late’’ and then it disappeared - that’s practically how the outside voices are these days, they just say a word or two in a dull background noise way and disappear. But I think they come from high pitched sounds from background music - was listing to Hozier when I heard it - was probably a word from this song or just another internal voice that’s never clear enough to talk to
I will be sure to do that. It will be hard to let go because he sounds like Jeffery Donovan.
Yeah he is the actor from burn notice