Is Invega a bad med

My doc is thinking of trying the injection on me


I’m on the pills. My pdoc said today that she only prescribed the injections to those who aren’t med compliant.


we don’t have paliperidone (invega) tablets here only the injections


Been on Invega for years. Some people swear by it, like i do - or hate it with a passion lol.

Its upto you how you get on with it. You do get a bit “flat” on it, but eating protein will boost your mood a bit.

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I’ve heard too much horror stories of it making you a emotionless zombie

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Nah. Cobblers. Its nothing like the 1st gen meds. They will probably wean you onto it with
risperadone pills first.


well it can’t be worse than clozapine which i’m on atm

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Surprised they are considering invega then. Your just gonna have to find a med that suits
you personally. And that doesnt mean just a couple of months - and then asking to change. They can take a long time to work.


its just that my eyes go fixated upwards sometimes and they think its cloz fault

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how long does it take to get rid of the paranoia?

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Paranoia? lol. Sorry im not a mind reader, i wouldn’t know - everyone’s different.

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why you laugh at me

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What! Im not laughing at you mate.

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Why’d you write ”lol” then?

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I use it way too much in my texts, and on here thats all.

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Ok sorry for judging you


There’s this chick on YouTube that talks about her eyes looking up there’s a term for it. She’s schizophrenic. I was on invega for 14 years. Couldn’t tolerate it at the end. Got on perphenazine around a year ago and my symptoms and well being have improved. I def wouldn’t get back on it now. I preferred the pills over the shot though. Everyone is different though as far as what ap’s work best


Idk what to do then cuz my doc wants me to go on it

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Have you taken the pills? It’s about the same. I just didn’t like the shot cause of how it comes on throughout the month.

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Im on invega not tired at all great med