Is eating meat important for brain health?

Hello, I have been off and on vegetarian for many years. Some people suggested to me that meat may be important for brain health. Is there any science to back this up? What are your opinions?


My GF has been a vegetarian since the 70’s and she’s the sharpest lady on this planet.
I don’t think it makes any difference if the protein you eat is meat or plant-based.
I do think that proper nutrition makes a difference though.


yeah, but does she have schizophrenia?

No, she doesn’t have a psychiatric diagnosis.
Not that I think that matters. Schizophrenics don’t need to eat meat either.

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I know they say fish may be good for brain health though. Unfortunately I don’t think it will cure the illness


never this before about the brain and meats,
but shouldn’t eat Too much red meat,
and I always get on Phil about that.
plus a pound of ground beef
requires gallons and gallons of water.
Learned that in my certifcation class.

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Interesting, thanks. Anyone here on a ketogenic diet?

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Vegetarian is honestly probably better for brain health. You can substitute fish oil for fish. They sell it in pill form. I think it has omega 3s. Which i know are good for you but not really sure why. Fish oil also helps with joint pain

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I was on a ketogenic diet for a while. I did lose weight but didn’t feel healthy. And afterwards I gained all the weight back. Didn’t help with psychosis though.

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I’m on a vegan diet.

Einstein was vegetarian and so were many famous brilliant people.

I take supplements.

You must take vitamin b12.

Ontop of that a iron tablets or lots of spinach etc

Watch dominion , cowspiracy and seaspiracy YouTube and Netflix and what the health and forks over knives.

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Chia seeds have omega 3 or so do seaweed.


Have you watched what the health

I think that’s a good one if I remember correctly

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I’m not a doctor.

Nor a dietician

But I think an organised vegan diet with the right dosage of certain supplements of good quality,

Is good for brain health.

I used to think vegans are at risk of missing out on choline. Which is important substance.

But if well organised, I would like to think there’s adequate choline.


Yes I’ve seen what the health.

It’s on Netflix.

Also seaspiracy and game changers is on Netflix.

Then there’s milked , fork over knives, cowspiracy, earthlings on YouTube.

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I think plant based protein breaks down faster in your system. That might be important to body builders. I’d like to see someone do a study of body builders on plant protein and animal based protein.

I red somewhere that red meat can cause stress and anxiety due to stress released when the animal got killed


Protein is vital for the human body but consuming meat is not a necessity.
Plant based proteins is good enough.


Been a vegetarian for nearly a decade. No difference on my mental health


I’m going to have falafel today