Intimacy issues :/

I dont have a sex drive anymore . I dont know if its from the seroquel or the aversion to physical contact Im interested in it just never desire to do it. Any advice? My spouse is getting frustrated with me over it.

I understand…

The meds have given me a giant hard-OFF…along with weight gain and lethargy. But I’m crazy off of the pills, as you’ve witnessed the last couple of weeks.

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i hadn’t noticed i have not interacted with you much yrah sucks anything make a difference?

I’m on day 11 or 12 back on my meds. I was a little manic yesterday but I feel at ease today. Thanks for asking.


Why did you choose ‘Zero’ to be your handle? Just curious?

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I’m sort of the same way, hard to get my brain thinking in that direction so to speak. Normally I’m not that way and even if I watch a sexy movie, nothing seems to work.

Living the dream…

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One of my voices goes by Zero but it has a particular meaning you can pm for it id rather not post it on the boards

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Im getting reassessed friday probably a change up in meds coming too. Great hope you can stay with it i know its hard for me to take a daily cocktail of drugs

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I honestly miss enjoying it i just cant get in the mood either terrible terrible

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Ive also gained weight sux i have a candy bar addiction

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I have one a day, but don’t eat breakfast as a rule, so the bar is all I get till I’m home form work most days

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Try taking maca, helps balance out hormones.

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I dont know what that is? An herbal thing?

it’s a herbal supplement, you can buy powder online and make smoothies with it. Or just take the pills.

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My spouse is frustrated over it too. And it’s difficult for her to believe it’s only the medicine that makes me stand-offish. I suppose it has something to do with a distaste for intimacy too. I was single a long time and marital sex requires even more intimacy than affairs. Sex for singles became a habit for me.

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I’ve kind of talked myself into a corner where I don’t relate to women. I don’t have patience with inanities. I pretty much realize I can adapt or do without relationships, but I’m not really interested in day to day matters. I’m hoping I can find some kind of compromize. There’s this woman at day treatment who is attractive and has a dazzling intellect, but I still can’t get near her. There is this other woman who is kind of pitiful, but she touches me. I think it is because she is wounded, and she is mortified by things about herself. If I did get into a relationship with her it would be rocky, because I detect a huge amount of anger in her.

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Same here @patrick. I have little to no sex drive. Still gotta keep taking it or I will go insane. You could try a different med if your doc lets you. I don’t know if it is worth it. Maybe this is a little insensitive but if you are a women you could try to still do it. May not be an appealing option but it is possible. For me it is not possible.

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I totally lost it with my first episode. Dr prescribed Viagra it worked pretty intensely . My wife felt like it wasn’t her making me attracted to her so she kinda didn’t like that part. It’s expensive and I don’t think insurance will cover it, it didn’t then. Doing ok now but the meds definitely tame things down.

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Be careful with Maca. It raises dopamine. It’s kinda hard to find that fact online but it does. 1 pill made me very psychotic for a day or two. My doc even said Viagra CAN cause psychosis, probably because it raises Nitric Oxide.

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Ah sorry, wasn’t aware of that. I use it but I take other things to lower my dopamine as well.