Do you think if inositol can calm anxiety in regular people it can in us too? I have inositol. I might take a large dose to see if it helps.
You might want to talk to your doctor first?
I see my dr next week Thursday
Propeanolol is known as the fear drug. It eliminates adrenaline.
Do you have someone you can call right now? Sounds like youre having a real rough go of things at the moment
It’s a shame that lyrica isn’t approved for anxiety in the US.
It works great for anxiety.
I’d rather take it than a benzo.
My husband will be home soon
I’m going to ask for that.
It’s actually a wonder pill. It’s good for your heart, anxiety and migraines. I’m on 40mg x3 daily.
I take that for akathisia sometimes.
It’s pretty good for lowering blood pressure and anxiety.
@nfy @anon57786250 my husband has the powder. I’m going to take it now.
Update us on how you feel @LilyoftheValley
Oh, I thought you were referring to the article and propranolol.
I’ve never tried inositol.
I never even knew propranolol came in powder
I think she is talking about inositol
Dre91 used confusion on himself
I’m confused as well