Benefits of Inositol

I’ve been using inositol 2 grams daily for a couple of months now. Although it does not treat schizoprenia directly it works amongst other as a mood stabilizer and as a OCD remedy. I am having major improvements when it comes to OCD and feeling more calm and collected.

People who use antipsychotics can particulary benefit from this supplement as AP’s deplete inositol.

“Inositol is a very promising treatment for depression and panic disorder. It is promising for bipolar disorder, anxiety, obsession, compulsion, eating disorders, hostility, sadness, tension and fatigue. It is quite safe. Adjunctive use may not benefit but will not hurt. People with bipolar disorder should exercise greater caution.”


Can you elaborate a bit? What exactly is it doing for your OCD?

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Inositol in large doses helps my anxiety, but I can’t afford it


Basically it removes OCD symptoms. I’m having much better thought control now, best since starting AP’s I would say.

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That’s too bad. Yeah I guess large doses would be quite pricey. I believe it is possible to take as much as 18grams daily. I couldn’t afford something like that either. But luckily I’m responding well at 2grams

Ashame. We should get acsess to these kind of things if they can help us :neutral_face:

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Have you tried bulk supplements? You can can get a kilogram there for like 55 bucks.


I don’t know. I can’t keep track of all these supplements to be honest. Some of them might help, but if I took all the supplements recommended here it might look something like this :


I don’t have $55. I have too many other expenses. My husband and I are both disabled and we make just over the limit for extra help like Medicaid etc. so we’re broke all the time. My recent haircut was courtesy of my mom. I’m super grateful


Haha, seriously, too many supplements
Some swear by one while others say it’s waste of money etc


I can’t acsess the video. Don’t have a youtube account. It just says the video is unavailable. :no_mouth: missing out on a tasty joke I suspect

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sorry, man.

cool. i give it a try prob starting next month when i have some money. so far ive found the biggest help to be low dose aspirin for me. its not a miracle or anythign but i can tell a difference. maybe this inostitol will help even more in combo.

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Google says

The metabolic effects of inositol may not be appropriate for everyone. Even in people with diabetes, the prolonged use or overuse of inositol may lead to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

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Inositol is awesome, it tastes like sugar.


Great mood enhancing abilities

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How much mg or grams you take?

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I don’t take it anymore but I took about 2.5 grams daily.

May I ask why you stopped it? Just curious of this stuff

Honestly, I don’t remember.

It was during the time where I was experimenting with a buuunch of supplements.

Is inositol ok to take long term? Anyone know?

Inositol, although often referred to as vitamin B8, is not a vitamin but rather a type of sugar with several important functions. It plays a structural role in your body as a major component of cell membranes and influences the action of insulin, a hormone essential for blood sugar control. Additionally, it affects chemical messengers in your brain, such as serotonin and dopamine¹.

Here are some key points about inositol:

  1. Mental Health Benefits: Inositol may help balance important brain chemicals, including those believed to affect mood. Some studies suggest that it could be an alternative treatment for mental health conditions, with fewer side effects than traditional medications¹.

  2. Panic Disorder: Research indicates that inositol supplements may be helpful for treating panic disorder, a severe form of anxiety. Individuals taking inositol experienced fewer and less severe panic attacks¹.

  3. Sources: Inositol naturally occurs in foods such as fruits, beans, grains, and nuts. Your body can also produce inositol from the carbohydrates you eat¹.

However, there are some considerations:

  • Side Effects: Inositol supplements might cause diarrhea, gas, and nausea in some people. When taken by mouth, it’s generally safe for most adults when used for up to 10 weeks².

  • Long-Term Use: It’s unclear whether inositol supplements are safe for long-term use. Most studies have examined inositol supplementation for a year or less. If you plan to take it long term, consult with a healthcare professional¹⁵.

Remember that individual responses to supplements can vary, so it’s essential to discuss any long-term use with your doctor. :herb:.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 10/04/2024
(1) Inositol: Benefits, Side Effects and Dosage - Healthline. Inositol: Benefits, Side Effects and Dosage.
(2) INOSITOL - Uses, Side Effects, and More - WebMD. INOSITOL: Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, Dosing and Reviews.
(3) Inositol: Uses, benefits, side effects, and more - Medical News Today. Inositol: Uses, benefits, side effects, and more.
(4) Inositol benefits, dosage, and side effects - Examine. Inositol benefits, dosage, and side effects.
(5) Inositol: Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, Interactions - Verywell Mind. Inositol: Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, Interactions.
(6) Inositol - Wikipedia.

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