I’m just now coming to the awareness that my inner dialogue (all thoughts in my head) is an ongoing conversation with myself. And if I think something outlandish or lustful I’m having to think “no…no” next thought: “why do I have to think this way.” I’m trying to catch myself before the voices do. My voices now sound like faraway children or women if I really tune in. Also, when I read to myself, I have to read really slowly and repeat myself sometimes and this is just different hearing my thoughts in my own voice more slowly as opposed to when I didn’t have sza. I’m in my head most of my time, but I communicate with others the same amount as I always have. I just feel really slow and like I will never be as fast as some people and I won’t get out of my negative head space long enough to have fun in my life other than things online or something. Can anyone relate to any of this?
I’m taking 160mg of Latuda, but I’m seeing now that I need something stronger. I’ve also been taking fish oil and I just began l-theanine+gaba+b vitamins. Do you think with what I’ve just described, I’d need to increase my meds? Or I am just waking up to myself and the world we live in…
I’m afraid to change meds because I’ve had some not so good experiences with Geodon, Abilify, and Seroquel. Is there any other atypical antipsychotic besides Latuda? I remember a kind man recommending Zyprexa to me at a NAMI meeting.