Anyone else talk to themselves a lot?

Sza diagnosed. I hate how much I talk. It’s like there’s so much going on in my head that it has to spill out somewhere. Sometimes it’s in response to things in my head, sometimes it’s just to let out a repeating thought. It’s like if I’m alone, I have to fill in the space around me. I’m trying to better this, but currently I lose so much time.

Anyone else experience this?


Yeah all day long, but I’ve always done this.


I’m in constant dialogue with my voices unless I’m reading or watching a video


I don’t hear voices anymore on meds. I still talk to myself in the mirror a lot. helps me ground myself.

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I talk to myself and wait and answer myself.

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Yes especially when I’m off meds or need an adjustment

When the voices were at their worst, I would go round and round in conversation with them. They are internal voices, and I tried replying with my thoughts.

Got convoluted real quick and I don’t recommend it.


I feel like that’s like where I am now, I just didn’t know how to word it. Describing these things can be so difficult. Thank you for giving me a better way to describe my experience.

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Sorry to hear you are feeling empty. I understand, i do that all the time because thats just how i have inner dialogue, i can’t think without talking.

It’s a difficult experience to describe because it’s so subjective. And docs can only try to understand because they haven’t lived it. Makes for some challenging sessions with the pdoc/therapist at times.

I have found that the more I engage with the voices, the more hold they have. They also become stronger in a sense and happen more often. It’s a vicious cycle.

It can be difficult, but distraction and mental observation can be important in dealing with voices.

Best of luck to you :dizzy:

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I talk to myself internally and sometimes out loud.

In my head I have a narration of everything, all day. It isn’t like a voice, just like reading out loud…but in my head?


I do it quite a bit, I always answer the voices in my head. I think people think im strange because usually im outside walking talking to myself and people see me.


I’m talking to my self all day

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I talk to myself a lot but some of that is saying stuff to alters

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I used to 15 characters

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I’ve always talked to myself in my head, I really can’t imagine anyone not doing that, like how would you have thoughts otherwise?


Yes i talk to myself alot sometimes its to much


When i used to work nights i would talk to myself without even realizing. I would respond out loud to various scenarios that i was thinking of. It would just slip out.

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Not gonna lie, this comes across as generalizing a symptom and coming off as incredibly condescending. Didn’t have to use this tone to respond. @Moonbeam not sure if I’m projecting or if this comment genuinely has weird undertones to it.

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Whatever 151515

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